Fortunate Harbor - By Emilie Richards Page 0,178

their relationship really was over and had been for a long time. Or that Sylvia was talking to her about Marsh and Bay period.

Tracy tried to put what she’d heard into words, to be sure she understood. “You know, it sounds like you’re trying to tell me it’s open season on Marsh and Bay again, and you won’t be standing in my way. But what makes you think it’s that easy? You’re finished with them, so now it’s my turn?”

“There’s just one thing you need to remember. This has never been about me or you. It’s always been about Bay. Marsh tried to do what was right for our son. That’s all. And somehow, I think you understand what that means. Better than I ever did.”

Sylvia checked her watch. “I have to go if I’m going to catch my plane in time. As for Bay’s having a big celebration tomorrow… It’s going to be a lot for Marsh to handle alone.”

Tracy heard the request loud and clear. “Sorry, I’m not invited, and I won’t be in town. I’ll be in Palm Beach.”

“That’s too bad. Bay would enjoy your company.”

Sylvia looked Tracy straight in the eye. “I’m not proud of myself. In case it’s not clear, I’m trying to do the best for my son.” She paused, looking pained, but she continued. “And for Marsh. He loves you, you know, but he had to put a vulnerable nine-year-old first.”

Sylvia had said love, a word lawyers didn’t normally bounce around. Now the word was bouncing inside Tracy’s head.

“I really do have to go,” Sylvia said. “I think you and I are going to be seeing each other in years to come. Next time we do, let’s start over, shall we?”

She left before Tracy could answer, which was a good thing. Because Tracy had no idea what to say to that.

By three on Saturday afternoon Tracy was finished with her packing. She was looking forward to getting out of town and trying to fit in with Henrietta’s guests.

She and her neighbors had received an unexpected windfall. A closer search of the ground beneath what would forever after be called the “heaven tree” had turned up four Krugerrands that hadn’t made it back into the lockbox. Tracy had given one to each of the women, including Alice, who put hers into Olivia’s college fund.

She’d planned to buy a new wardrobe with her own. Her Florida purchases had come from discount stores and were not exactly what was expected at Henrietta’s. In the end, though, she paid off the credit card bill that CJ had so unhelpfully bequeathed her and put the rest in the bank, in case Pete mailed her a time sheet for his final weeks of labor. She found enough in her closet that was relatively trendy and decided that anybody who looked down on her wardrobe would be somebody just like she herself had once been, before her world fell apart. That was somebody she really didn’t care to know.

CJ wouldn’t be at the party. She, Rishi and Janya had immediately driven back to Fortunate Harbor, but CJ was gone, and although Tracy later drove up and down the road looking for any sign of his car, she found nothing. She didn’t know if he’d gone in search of Dana or not. If he had, he’d certainly gotten a huge surprise.

His suitcases were now in storage at the yacht club, courtesy of Henrietta. CJ had never come back for them, and Tracy figured he never would. He had no reason to show his face in Florida again. She hadn’t checked with her California friends to see if he was in the news there, and she didn’t plan to. She was finished with CJ Craimer forever.

As she wheeled her suitcase to the car, Bay’s dilemma haunted her. Maybe the boy had told Sylvia she could leave, but she doubted that, deep inside, he’d been happy about it. Resigned, perhaps. More realistic after a difficult summer. Newly mature, even somewhat aware that the grown-ups in his life were far from perfect.

But Bay was turning ten today. A two-digit birthday. The first real prelude to becoming a teenager. And Bay would be some teenager. It was going to take two parents to keep the kid in line. Unfortunately for him, Sylvia was planning to wait for the finished product.

Tracy had bought Bay a present, two passes to his favorite movie theater and coupons for popcorn and soft drinks, but now she wasn’t sure what Copyright 2016 - 2024