Forgotten - Dawn Nicole Stevens Page 0,45

shaky as she extended it to him, but she took a breath and continued, placing her fingertips on his temple again.

Dirk sat as still as he could manage. It was strange that now that he knew she was looking inside him, it was almost as if he could sense her in his head. His skin tingled with an awareness, like a sixth sense had picked up on her presence inside him. It was the same feeling one got when they knew they were being watched and felt eyes boring into them.

Then, as quickly as the feeling came, it was gone and Ica jumped backwards, tripping onto the bed. ?Who is the girl?? she nearly sobbed.

?What did you see?? Dirk asked, answering her question with a question.

She ran her fingers through her hair agitatedly and let out a shaky breath. ?I saw a naked girl being carried away.?

?That?s Jane,? Dirk answered, trying not to let his voice waver. It was difficult given the emotion that rolled in him. ?That?s why I need the sketches. To find her.?

Ica stood from the bed on quaking legs and walked over to the desk. She pulled over the other chair Dirk had occupied earlier and sat down, grabbing her pencil.

Dirk watched in fascination as she began scribbling onto the sketchpad. He realized what she was doing. She was drawing the men she?d seen when she had looked inside him and watched them carry away Jane.

He was stunned by how quickly she worked, assuming that she?d been slowed during the first sketch to ask so many questions. The questions were necessary though. Otherwise, people would learn of her secret. She needed to ask as many questions as possible in order to make her drawings seem like they?d been created by the details people told her. Now, however, without taking the time to speak as she drew, the faces on the pages came alive almost instantly.

He decided not to speak. The clock on the motel wall ticking and the pencil moving over the paper were the only noise between them.

In a lot less time than he expected, Ica stood from the desk and approached him, handing him the sketchpad.

He skimmed through the pages, taking inventory of drawings she?d created. Without a word, he moved the sketchpad to the bed and laid it down, then began taking pictures of the drawings with his phone. When he was finished, he emailed the pictures to his Alpha and to himself.

Next, he sat down at the desk with his laptop and forwarded the email to every contact in his account with a message attached, asking to contact him if anyone recognized the men.

When he was finished, he sat back in his chair and thought of Jane. He wondered for the millionth time where she was and wished he could go get her now. Was she still in the car? If she had been restrained in the car, why had they been roughing her up? Did that mean they had stopped? It had been about an hour since he?d felt the pain they were inflicting on her. If that was an indication that they?d reached their destination, maybe he could track her based on how long she?d been gone.

He grabbed his phone, checking what time he?d first called his Alpha and the time it was now. Roughly five hours had passed from the time Jane had been taken until he?d felt her pain through their bond. He sat down and grabbed Ica?s pencil and began a mathematic problem. If Jane had been abducted at point A at roughly five o?clock and they had driven approximately 70 mph for five hours, that would put point B how many miles away? 350. His heart felt like it was breaking all over again at the thought that his Jane may be 350 miles away from him.

He rummaged through the drawers of the desk and then the drawers of the nightstand. By luck, he found an old map that had been stashed away in one of them for probably quite a number of years. He laid it out flat on the desk, then drew a circle around the city he was in with a 350 mile radius. She could be anywhere along the circumference or even somewhere within the circle. If they?d stayed on back roads or cut through city streets, they wouldn?t have been traveling at 70 miles per hour, therefore wouldn?t be as far away.

He opened a document on his laptop that mapped the Copyright 2016 - 2024