Forgotten - Dawn Nicole Stevens Page 0,21

saying anymore and Dirk must have picked up on her confusion, pondering if he was angry with her.

?I?m not angry with you. I?m actually very proud that you handled Lou the way you did. I am however, concerned that you showed no remorse in peeling off your clothing in a room full of men.?

Her clothing. Was he angry she?d ripped her shirt off? Maybe there was some sort of rule within the pack about maintaining decency. It?s not like she was naked though. She?d still had on her jeans and sports bra.

Dirk pulled his t-shirt up over his head and handed it to her. ?Here put this on.?

She did as he requested and once she was covered, Dirk walked off toward the door. They returned to Jane?s room and Dirk said, ?You can get settled in your room a bit, maybe get some of your things put away while I go report to Kasimir. I?ll be back after I speak with him.?

Jane nodded and closed the door behind him. She began pulling clothing from her bag on the bed and placed them inside an armoire in the corner. She wondered how quickly Dirk would return. Maybe she had time for a quick shower. She?d worked up a bit of a sweat with Lou. She looked down at herself and caught Dirk?s scent off the t-shirt she was wearing. She wasn?t sure what brand of aftershave he used but she found that she rather liked the smell of it and decided that she?d just sit and wait for him. She didn?t want to make him angry again if he returned with an agenda and he had to wait because she was in the shower.

Someone knocked on the door and Jane opened it, expecting to see Dirk, but it wasn?t him. It was a tall blonde, grinning from ear to ear.

?Hello,? Jane muttered.

?Guten tag. Ich bin Wilda.?

Jane smiled back at her and said, ?I?m sorry, I don?t speak German.?

?Oh I see,? the blonde answered. ?I said hello, my name is Wilda.?

?I?m Jane.?

The woman leaned casually against the door frame and said, ?I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory.?

?Thanks,? Jane answered cautiously. She wasn?t sure if the woman was serious, or maybe she had a different motive for showing up at her door.

?Most of us girls can?t stand Lou,? the woman stated while studying her nails. ?The males don?t like her much either.?

?I can see why,? Jane huffed.

The woman smiled again. ?You really knocked her off her imaginary pedestal. I wish I could have caught it on video.?

Jane snickered, but then her face grew serious and she said, ?I don?t know why she acted that way. I?d just met her. I hadn?t done anything to offend her.?

?She?s that way with everyone. Don?t take it personally. Today she was showing off in front of Dirk.?

Jane stifled a growl that rose from her throat, although she wasn?t sure where it had come from.

?She shows off in front of all the officers. She wants to move up in rank. She?s going to get her poor little heart broken though. She doesn?t follow orders well enough to land herself a job that would give her authority.?

?I would expect that would create a problem,? Jane agreed.

The woman pushed herself from the door frame and said, ?Well, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Maybe if they let you out of supervision we can get together.?

?Okay, thanks,? Jane replied as the woman strutted down the hall.

Jane closed the door and sat down on the bed, looking around the room. This definitely beat her hospital room. She couldn?t help but wonder though, where her own bedroom was. It was tough not knowing where she belonged.

In a few minutes, there was another knock on her door. She opened it, wondering if it was Dirk, or if someone else was coming to say hello.

Dirk stood in the hall with a puzzled expression. ?Was Wilda here??

Jane nodded, ?Yes, she came to say hello.?

Dirk stepped inside and smiled, ?Making friends already.?

Jane shrugged, ?And some enemies as well.?

?I wouldn?t worry much about Lou. She has many grudges.?

?So I hear,? Jane replied.

?Well you?ll be happy to know that Kasimir was very impressed with your talent. He?s ask me to test you further.?

?What kind of tests?? Jane asked nervously.

?Field tests. He wants to know how well you handle weapons and he asked that you be tested in your wolf form, even though we rarely need to use it on the job.?

Jane swallowed hard Copyright 2016 - 2024