Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,85

of Rebecca’s work being subpar was thorough and conclusive. They’d examined not only the evidence Sterling had given them, but had spoken with other Precision managers Rebecca worked with, who’d all confirmed that her attitude and work habits weren’t up to the standard of other employees.

When he’d called her in, he’d expected tears, anger, or recriminations. Instead, what he got was a confident woman who accepted the decision with a Mona Lisa smile and a toss of her head.

“Oh, yes. She called Elizabeth and told her she planned on making a statement to the press that she was carrying his love child, that the affair occurred with full knowledge of Precision Financial, and that we terminated her knowing Sterling had sexually harassed her.”

Goddammit. And damn Sterling for putting them in this position.

“What a mess. And we’re not out of the woods. Even though we had no knowledge of their affair, Sterling being her supervisor puts us all in a bad position. I’m glad we had business reasons for firing her, but I’m afraid this is going to get worse before it gets better.”

“I know,” Maria agreed. “Of course, now people are coming out of the woodwork, telling me they suspected something. Where were these damn fools when it was happening?”

He could almost see her fuming. “I’m sorry you have to deal with this mess.”

“No, you’re not,” she said, laughing in his ear. “Tell me how’s it been going. How’s that sexy cowboy?”

Ignoring her question about Shea, Jake couldn’t wait to tell her his news. “Stacey started talking.”

“What?” Maria shrieked, and he held the phone away from his ear, wincing as she continued the rapid-fire questions. “How? She’s talking? Like full sentences? How did it happen? When?”

Laughing, Jake answered every question as best he could, finishing up with, “I feel hope for the first time since this happened, you know? She talked a little this morning too. Not like she was before, but I’m waiting to come home and meet with her doctor.”

“And Brian, that rat bastard. How dare he cheat on you in your own home? I’m literally shaking, I’m so angry for you.”

“I’m beginning to wonder if he ever loved me. Why did he even want to marry me and have a child?” He could say the words out loud to Maria now that he could admit them to himself.

“He got the perfect husband, who was willing to do anything and put up with his shit. I saw how you bent to his wishes, whether you agreed or not, simply to keep the peace and get along. He gave in to having Stacey, but treated her more like a trophy, almost a pet to dress up and show off. And when she stopped speaking, he didn’t want to deal with the lack of perfection in his life. I hate to say it, but his gorgeous face hid an ugly soul until the beast broke free.” She took a breath. “And speaking of gorgeous…”

Jake rolled his eyes. “I have to go. Stacey is waiting for me. She’s at the lake.”

“Oh, is Terry having a great time? She must love all the fresh air and quiet.”

“She is. Right now, she and Shea’s Aunt Patty are puttering around in the kitchen, baking and sipping iced tea. They’ve become great friends in just a few days.”

“So who’s with Stacey?”

Jake hesitated, knowing once he said it, he was never going to hear the end of it. “Um, Shea. He took her on his horse, and they were going swimming in the lake.”

“Did he now? Wasn’t that sweet of him? How’re you two getting along, or do I need to ask? I mean, if you’re leaving Stacey with him, you have to be—”

“Well, gotta go. Keep me posted about Sterling, and I’ll talk to you later.” He hung up and immediately received a text from her.

You can run but you can’t hide. You’re crazy about him, aren’t you?

Jake sat for a moment, turning the phone over and over in his hands, and then he called Stacey’s doctor. This time he got through right away.

“Jake? Everything okay?”

“More than okay. Stacey spoke. She told me the whole story of why she stopped speaking.” He gave the doctor a run-through of what Stacey had told him the night before. After he’d finished, Nisha sighed. “I have to say, I was afraid it was going to be worse.”

“I know. It was what we all thought when she started telling us.”

“Us? Stacey spoke in front of other people besides you? Copyright 2016 - 2024