Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,83

horse. You think you can help me?”

Those big green eyes, so like Jake’s, widened. “Me?”

He tweaked her nose. “You.”

Her mouth hung open. “Uh-huh.”

“C’mon, then.” From the barn, he took the saddle, pad, and bridle and returned to the paddock. They entered, and he showed her how to slip on the bridle and put on the saddle and cinch it properly like his father showed him all those years ago.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” She cocked her head when Rambo took the bridle in his mouth.

“Nah. He’s okay with it. We just gotta make sure we never pull on the reins too hard, cause that’s what can hurt their mouths. But don’t you worry. I’m gonna show you the right way. Now when I put you up there, I want you to hold on tight to the saddle horn.” He patted it. “Right there.”

“Okay.” She didn’t say anything when he picked her up, but when she sat, her mouth made a perfect O. “Ooooh. I’m so high up.”

“You sure are, Princess.”

He hopped into the saddle, and with one arm holding her tight, clicked for Rambo to start walking. Smart animal that he was, Rambo understood he was carrying special cargo and stepped carefully down the path. They passed by Terry and Patty on the porch, who waved to them, and Stacey bounced a little and waved in return. When he plopped his big cowboy hat on her head, she broke out in giggles, and Terry took picture after picture or maybe a video. With one final wave, he turned Rambo off the path, and they trotted to the lake.

Once they arrived at the spot he’d decided was shallow enough for Stacey to splash around in, he spread out the blanket and towels and put her in her life vest. He sprayed her with sunscreen, kicked off his sneakers, and took off his T-shirt.

“Let’s go.”

They splashed in the water, and Shea pointed out the little fish swimming around them.

“Oh, I feel them.” She stood still in the water watching them swirl around her legs.

She decided she’d had enough of swimming and wanted to look for frogs. After a while, they gave up the search, and he dried her off and they sat on the blanket. Damn, he was tired, and he’d barely done anything.

“I have some snacks. Do you want a cookie or some fruit?”

“Yes, please.” Stacey yawned, and he handed her a cookie, but she only took one bite. “Are you Daddy’s boyfriend?”

About to bite into an apple, Shea felt his throat close up, and he put the apple down on the towel.

“I don’t know,” he said, choosing his words carefully, feeling the best way to answer her was as honestly as possible. “I like your daddy a lot, and we’re good friends. That’s most important.”

“Uh-huh.” She ate part of her cookie. “You’re nicer than Uncle Andy. He didn’t like me.”

Her lip trembled, and alarm zinged through Shea. Oh God, what would he do if she started to cry?

“Let’s not think about that. How about we give Rambo some carrots? He could use a treat too, don’t you think?”

Please say yes. Please say yes.

Her eyes lit up. “Oooh, can I? Please?”

Relieved, he would’ve allowed her to do almost anything. “Sure. Lemme get some from my backpack.”

He pulled out two carrot sticks, and they walked over to Rambo, who’d been cropping grass but raised his head and nickered when they walked near. He stroked the horse’s neck.

“Go on. Hold the carrot out. He knows what to do, don’t you, fella?”

Stacey stayed by his side and gingerly held the carrot up to Rambo. When the horse mouthed it and chewed, she giggled. Rambo whinnied and nodded his head, striking the ground softly with his hoof.

“He likes me.” She held out the other carrot stick, and the horse chomped on it as well.

“ ’Course he does, Princess. How could he not?”

And just like that, the laughter fled her face, and Shea cursed himself up and down for saying those words. Stacey fidgeted with the leftover carrot tops, and frantically, Shea thought, What would Jake do?

“How about we feed the ducks? Look.” In an effort to distract Stacey, he pointed to the lake. “They’re all paddling toward us. I think they know you have good stuff for them.” Normally they discouraged guests from giving any food to wildlife they came across, but Shea was willing to make an exception in this case.

One little shoulder lifted, but Shea wasn’t about to be deterred. “C’mon, Princess.” He grabbed her Copyright 2016 - 2024