Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,76

into Jake, he came, groaning out his climax. Wetness spread between them, and Jake expelled a whoosh of breath, digging his fingers into Shea’s shoulders, then sliding his arms around his neck to hold him tight. Skin to skin.

“Dear God,” Jake murmured. “What the hell was that?”

Shea shook his head, clearing his vision of the dancing spots before his eyes. “I don’t have a clue, but sign me up for sure.” He nipped at Jake’s sweaty neck and sucked at his skin. “You’re incredible.” He continued to lick and nibble along his collarbone.

“Mmm, funny, I was going to say the same about you. Incredible.” He kissed Shea’s cheek. “Amazing.” Another kiss. “Perfect.”

Much as he wished they could stay like this the whole night, Shea pulled out and disposed of the condom. Jake reached out and laced their fingers together. “Come over here.” Shea willingly allowed himself to be dragged back to bed, and snuggling up next to Jake, he slept.

* * *

He awoke to the phone ringing. He cracked open an eye to see the digital clock glowing. 1:30 a.m.

Jake fumbled for the receiver. “Hello,” he croaked, gripping the cordless phone in both hands, and Shea sat up when he heard Terry’s worried voice.

“I’m so sorry, Jake, but it’s Stacey. She’s okay now, but she woke up screaming and crying. She was asking for you.”

“Me? She said my name?”

“She said, ‘Daddy, Daddy.’ ”

“I’ll be right there.”

He hung up, and Shea, who’d already left the bed, gathered up his clothing and dressed. “Here you go.” He handed Jake his clothes, and he pulled them on and shoved his feet into flip-flops. Jake tore out of the bedroom, but Shea sat to put his boots on, figuring he’d leave the door open for Jake when he returned.

“Hurry up.” Jake stood dancing on his toes in the doorway.

Bewildered, Shea blinked. “Y-you want me to come with you?”

Jake nodded. “I don’t…I can’t handle this on my own. Even with Terry there, it would mean a lot if you could be with me. Please?”

It meant everything to Shea to have Jake ask him. “Sure,” he whispered, afraid if he spoke, his voice would crack. He’d walk through fire to help Jake with his little girl.

Still in his bare feet, he ran after Jake, and from down the hallway, they saw Terry waiting at the open door to their suite.

“She’s quieter now. I gave her some chocolate milk and have her wrapped in a blanket.”

Jake nodded and hurried inside.

Terry smiled at Shea and squeezed his arm before he entered. “I’m glad you’re here with him.”

His attention focused on Jake, who’d taken up the space next to Stacey on the small sofa. Shea gave Terry an absent smile and slipped into the room. He sidled up against the wall and watched Jake.

“Baby, did you have a bad dream?”

Clutching her plastic sippy cup, Stacey nodded. Terry had turned on one of the small lamps on a side table, and soft golden light gilded the room. He’d attempted to make himself as unobtrusive as possible, but Stacey glanced at him, and her eyes widened.

Jake noticed her reaction and brushed her cheek in a gesture so sweet and tender, Shea felt it across the room.

“Is it okay for Shea to be here, sweetie?”

At her nod, Shea felt as though he’d won the lottery. This little girl had wrapped herself around him so tight, there was no letting go. And when Jake rewarded him with a smile, Shea lost his heart for good to both father and daughter.

Chapter Eighteen

“Do you want to tell me about the dream you had?”

She clutched the stuffed horse Jake remembered Shea had given her when they arrived. Kiss lay at their feet, her tail thumping occasionally. Stacey’s voice was slow and hesitant, but to Jake, there had never been a more beautiful sound.

“I dreamed you got lost again, but they couldn’t find you. I was all alone.” She began to cry, and Jake hated himself for what he’d put her through.

“Oh, sweetie, I’m so sorry. I’ll never do that again. I promise.” He kissed her sweet-smelling hair. “Anything else?”

She nodded, and her lower lip quivered, and her breath hitched several times before she could continue. “It’s my fault. Papa didn’t want me ’cause I’m a bad girl.” She buried her face in his chest, and he put his hand on her little back. “Papa and Uncle Andy told me so. They said not to talk to anyone. Never tell,” she whispered, but her words slapped him Copyright 2016 - 2024