Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,70

there for you.”

“Papa said don’t tell.” Her whisper hit him like a punch to his stomach. He was Daddy, and Brian had been Papa.

His gaze darted to Terry, who shook her head, as dumbfounded and shocked as him.

“Not to tell what, honey? You don’t have to say now if you don’t want to.”

“Scared.” Her arms around him tightened, and she shivered. Jake vibrated with an anger he couldn’t release. So help him, if Brian had done something to her, he’d fly to fucking Hong Kong and beat the crap out of him.

“How about we talk about it tomorrow? And only if you want to. Tonight we have a party. Lots of yummy food. Sound like fun?”

Her head bobbed up and down, and she gave him her first full-blown smile in forever.

Tomorrow might be another day, but Jake’s heart had never been as full as at that moment. He jumped up and held out his hand. “Let’s go visit the donkeys before dinner, okay? They didn’t see you after your riding lesson today, and I bet they’d like some apple slices and pets from you.”

Her smile was all the answer Jake needed.

With carrots and apples in hand—he’d taken some earlier from the kitchen—Jake and his little group went to play with Frick and Frack for a bit. Then they returned to the house and joined Shea and Patty, who were busy setting out platters of food in the glassed-in eating area.

“Let me help you, Patty.” Terry gave Shea a gentle push. “You go talk to Jake and Stacey.”

“Subtlety, thy name is not Terry,” Jake muttered to himself and pointed to the wicker rocking chair with the pretty flowered cushion. “Why don’t you sit there, Stacey?” But she gazed with such longing at Terry and Patty putting out the trays of snacks that Jake crouched next to her. “Did you want to help them?”

At her excited nod, Jake kissed her cheek and gave her a slight nudge. “Go ahead.”

She ran to them, and he smiled, watching them work together. Shea sauntered up to him. “How did it go? I can’t believe she spoke to you. Did she talk more?”

“She did. She didn’t say much, but I decided not to pressure her. I want her to tell me when she’s ready.”

“She will. That’s one smart little girl. She knows how much you love her.”

“I think so.”

To see her helping the two women and tasting the food, like any other child, gave him hope that this was a new beginning. Jake was ready for it. All of it.

“Looking better now than last time I saw you.” Shea smirked.

Jake gave him a wry smile in return. “I would hope so. A hot shower can do a world of good.”

Shea’s blue-eyed gaze traveled over him. “You always look good to me.”

He glanced over to Patty, Terry, and Stacey, who were busy sampling the appetizers, then took Shea by the arm and pulled him over to the opposite side of the room. “I owe you a big apology.”

Shea cocked a brow, his smirk widening. “I think you said sorry earlier.”

Damn man wasn’t going to make it easy.

“Well, I’m saying it again,” he said irritably. “It’s more than simply sorry. I—ah, shit. It was stupid and foolish of me to go off half-cocked like that, thinking I’m invincible. On the pavements and boardrooms in the city, I can handle myself perfectly fine. But this isn’t my comfort zone, and I should respect nature and your warnings.”

“Half-cocked, huh?” Shea widened his stance and folded his arms. “Go on. The more you speak, the more I’m likin’ this.”

“Well, I’m finished.”

“Aw, shucks. I was hopin’ for a bit more grovelin’. At least until you got fully cocked.”

“I don’t grovel. Not to anyone.”

“No?” Shea stepped into his space. “Funny. I recall someone begging me.”

A web of fire spread through his blood as Shea came near, and Jake struggled not to fall into his touch. “You’re bringing that up now? That’s not playing fair.”

“All’s fair, darlin’.” Shea’s grin faded. “And who said I’m playin’?” He reached out, and Jake couldn’t even pretend he didn’t crave Shea’s hands on him. But Shea merely let the tips of his fingers trail along Jake’s chin, while his thumb moved in slow circles against his lower lip. “Tonight? Later on?”

Jake nodded, already anticipating. “Counting on it.”

Shea stilled, and his gaze intensified. “I don’t like sleepin’ alone when you’re so near.”

Jake took the tip of Shea’s thumb into his mouth for a kiss. “Then don’t. Stay with me.”

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