Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,64

Jake frowned. “She needs to know about this breakthrough.” He sat on hold, fuming.

Shea crowded next to him on the bench. “Imagine that. A doctor treatin’ patients. I’m sure the parent of the child the doctor is seein’ thinks their child is the most important person in the world too.”

Jake opened his mouth to snap at Shea, then closed it and pushed his hand through his hair. “Okay, you’re right. I’m being a selfish idiot.”

Shea’s lips twitched. “Don’t recall sayin’ that, now.” He stretched his legs out.

“You’re enjoying making me feel silly, aren’t you?” Whatever synthesized song was playing for the hold music, Jake was really and truly beginning to despise the tune.

“Nah.” Shea chuckled. “You’re doing a good job all by yourself.”

“Jake?” a voice finally broke in. “It’s Nisha. Is everything okay?” The well-modulated, slightly British accent of Stacey’s psychologist greeted him.

“More than okay. It’s Stacey. We’re at the ranch, and I had a feeling each day she was becoming more comfortable, and today…” His voice caught, and his hand trembled so violently, Shea covered it with his own, and that rough warmth settled into his bones, calming him. “She laughed, Nisha. A group of little bunny rabbits is jumping all over her, and she giggled at first, and now she’s outright laughing. It’s a good thing, right? A breakthrough?” He sniffled, a little embarrassed by his emotions spilling out all over the place. He’d always prided himself on his control, but getting caught out in front of Shea no longer seemed like the worst thing. Nothing could dim his joy.

“She is? That’s wonderful. You’re absolutely correct. This is a major breakthrough.”

The phone slipped in his sweaty palm. “Do you think she’s going to start speaking again?”

“You know I can’t answer that, but the fact that she’s laughing when she’s been so closed off and withdrawn is the best possible first step. Don’t push her to continue or to speak. Act naturally, as if she’s always done this, and let her go at her own pace. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” Her smile was obvious from the timbre of her voice. “It’s obviously working. Keep me posted, please.”

“I will,” he said, ending the call, still staring at Stacey as if afraid she’d vanish like one of those milk puffs he used to make a wish on and blow into the air.

Only this time, his wish had been granted.

“Are you really planning to sell this place and move to the city?”

Shea’s fingers played along his nape as a breeze drifted by them. “That’s always been my plan, then I had to put it aside when my father got sick. But before y’all got here, I set up some appointments with real-estate agents in New York City so that when I go back, I can jump right in and look at places to live.”

Jake’s focus remained on Stacey, who hadn’t yet tired of the rabbits and was now cuddling one. Her face pressed up against the ball of fluff, and Jake closed his eyes, unable to think of returning home. Better to enjoy the time they had.

“How about we go for a boat ride? ’Cept this time I’ll do the rowin’ if you don’t mind.” Shea’s eyes twinkled in the sunlight. “I’d prefer to stay dry.”

“Oh, very funny. I think that’s a great idea. You can take Terry and Stacey. I’ll wait on solid ground, thank you very much.” He lowered his voice. “We can get wet tonight in the shower.”

Shea said nothing, but his fingers slid around Jake’s nape in a possessive hold, and Jake’s whole body throbbed in anticipation of the night to come. He planned to put all thoughts of leaving out of his mind and enjoy whatever time he had left here.

Chapter Fifteen

“Now, unlike some people, y’all know how to follow the rules and put your life vests on properly when you get in a boat.” He snapped on Stacey’s while Terry put on hers. Kiss and Jake remained on land, with the dog running back and forth into the shallow water. Shea had no doubt she’d be paddling after them once they took off. Jake, on the other hand, seemed content to sit against the tree, finish up the picnic lunch they’d taken, and read his book.

In preparation for the visit, Shea had relocated the swans to the Moonbeam ranch, where his friend Jeremiah already complained to him about getting bitten. But Shea had no intention of letting anything even remotely ruin this visit for Copyright 2016 - 2024