Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,58

Jake said she’s been reacting more to people lately. So maybe she’ll come out of it soon.”

Patty gazed at him thoughtfully. “You really like this man, don’tcha?”

“He’s gotten under my skin. But he lives there, and I’m here.”

“Until you move to New York.”

“I haven’t done much about that. Been busy gettin’ the ranch ready for their visit, but I got another job in the city next month. And this time I’m gonna take a few more days to look at places. Jake may say it’s his time away too, but I know it’s all about his little girl. She’s number one in his heart.”

* * *

At one thirty, Shea waited for them to exit the baggage-claim area, and when he spotted Jake holding Stacey’s hand, flanked by the babysitter, his heart did a funny somersault. Jake spotted him too, and the pucker on his forehead smoothed as his face brightened in a smile.

It didn’t take a month away from Jake for Shea to know he was crazy about the man.

Shea waved, and he could make out his name on Jake’s lips as he bent to talk to Stacey. She craned her neck, and he gave her a big grin and a wave. Was it wishful thinking, or did he see a flicker of something pass over her face?

When their little party finally reached him, he took off his hat.

“Hi. Shea, this is Terry, Stacey’s babysitter and my savior on a daily basis.”

“Howdy, ma’am, it’s a pleasure.”

Kiss whined and gave a little yip. “Yes, little girl. I didn’t forget you none. There’s plenty of doggie treats for you when we get home.” Her tail wagged furiously as he petted her silky ears.

“Hello, Shea. So happy to meet you,” Terry said. “I’ve never been to Texas, and I’m excited to go to a real ranch.”

Terry reminded him of his Aunt Patty, and he instinctively knew they’d get along wonderfully.

“We plan to make every day special for you, Miss Terry.” He crouched down to speak to Stacey. “How’s my little Rose of Texas? Looking prettier than a peach.” She looked so cute with her head full of curls and her little pink backpack on. When she blinked at him and nodded, his heart picked up speed. It was the first time she’d acknowledged him like that.

He rose and smiled at Jake. “Howdy. You’re lookin’ good.”

“Feeling good now that we’re here. We have all our bags, so we’re ready to go.”

“Lemme get that for you, Miss Terry.” He took the rolling suitcase from her and the dog leash. She took Stacey’s hand, leaving Jake to wheel the large suitcase. “Good thing you came today and not last week. Had some big rainstorms. Thunder booming like the devil himself was laughin’.”

Terry chuckled. “Now there’s a saying I haven’t heard before. I have a feeling I’m going to love it here.”

He walked next to Jake. “Missed you.”

“Same,” Jake murmured. “Work’s been absolute hell, and all I could think about was leaving it all behind and coming here. Being with you. I can’t tell you how much I need this week.”

“Soon as you said you were even thinkin’ about comin’ I blocked off the time to make sure nobody else would book the ranch. Y’all will have my undivided attention.”

Jake’s simmering gaze was all he needed.

Once they were all settled in the truck and he was driving, Shea pointed out some landmarks along the way. After a while, he gazed in the rearview mirror and saw Stacey and Terry had both fallen asleep. Jake, next to him in the front seat, had his sunglasses on, but Shea knew he was awake.

“How’re you doin’, really? I’m looking forward to y’all bein’ here. I made sure everythin’s gonna be perfect for Stacey. She’s gonna have a blast.”

“I’m sure she will. It’s great to see you.” Jake lifted his sunglasses. “Not gonna lie, I haven’t stopped thinking about your visit.”

Shea’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Me neither. It was perfect.”

“Well, I don’t know if I’d say that.” Jake smirked at him. “Perfection means there’s no need to go any further and we might as well stop right now. I was hoping to see where we can take it. Make it even better.”

“That sounds like a whole lotta doublespeak to say you’re looking forward to spending more time together.”

“You could say that.”

Shea exited the interstate and took the main road leading into town. “I think I already did.”

Terry and Stacey woke almost at the same time, and Terry sat up, Copyright 2016 - 2024