Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,46

her dinner and thought to myself, I never explained…I’m sorry I couldn’t invite you over for dinner. I’m still not sure how she’d respond to another man in the house.”

“Don’t need to explain it to me. I understand.”

“I wish I did. Here you are in New York for the first time, and I should be taking you out to see the sights.”

“Do you think you could ask your babysitter to watch her?” He hated asking Jake to take time away from his daughter, but damn, he wanted more time with the man.

Jake blinked, and his mouth tightened in a grim line. “It’s always only been us on the weekends.”

“Then don’t fret ’bout it. We had a nice time today, and it was special getting to meet your princess. Thank you for trusting me.”

Jake rubbed his face. “She hasn’t put that rose away. She let me put it in water, and I had to put it on the kitchen table while she ate.”

A strange feeling knocked on his heart. “What’re you doin’ tomorrow?” He wanted to hold on to the time he had with Jake.

“Aren’t you leaving?”

“Naw, I got an early flight out Monday morning.” He licked his lips. “Do you want to take me around and show me the city?”

Jake’s face fell. “I promised my friend Oliver—not sure if you remember him from the retreat?—that I’d come to a barbecue at his house in Brooklyn.”

Disappointment flooded through him. He’d counted on more time with Jake. “Oh.”

“Why don’t you come with us?” Jake blurted out as Shea was planning to end the call.

“What? Come with you?”

“Yeah.” Jake rubbed his chin. “Why not? Oliver and his wife have a house with a great backyard and an above-ground pool. Stacey and their kids know each other. It’s always fun, with lots of food and drinks. Casual and a good time.”

Shea thought quickly. “If you think it won’t be an imposition, then yeah.”

“Nah, Oliver won’t care, and his wife will love it. Be prepared for relentless matchmaking, though. Melissa has been after me to find someone ever since Brian left.” Even over the phone screen, Shea could feel Jake’s laughter. “But get yourself a bathing suit. You might cause a riot if you show up only in your underwear.”

“Now why would I do that when it’s for your eyes only?”

Jake’s grin faded, and his gaze turned so intent and purposeful, Shea could almost feel the press of Jake’s hot mouth against his.

“I’ll pick you up at your hotel around noon. I’ll text you before I leave here.”




He disconnected the call and gazed at the clock next to his bed. Six o’clock on a Saturday night in New York City. While he wanted nothing more than to be with Jake, that wasn’t happening, but neither did he want to spend the evening sitting in his room. Might as well walk around the city and soak it all in.

“Time to get up and at ’em.” He texted his agent, Pedro, who answered him immediately.

Meet me at 1 Oak at 10 o’clock. On 17th Street. No sneakers, but wear the cowboy hat.

He texted back: Yes, Mother.

He undressed and took himself into the shower, wondering what Jake was doing.

* * *

At eleven thirty that evening, Shea was on his second beer of the night. His agent had brought along a few other model clients. One of them, Alejandro, was a high-fashion runway model. His long black hair floated in waves to his shoulders. Razor-sharp cheekbones stretched over almost translucent skin. When introduced, his aloof brown eyes passed over Shea without a hint of emotion. On the opposite end of the spectrum was Chase, a sportswear model who didn’t stop chattering.

“Isn’t this place incredible, Shea?” Chase sucked down half his margarita on the rocks, his blue-eyed gaze bouncing around the crowded club. “I bet you’ve never seen anything like it, right? I mean, what was the name of that place you come from?”

“Forget Me Not Ranch.”

“Yeah, so cute. Sounds adorable.” Chase rewarded him with a smile, and Shea wanted to be annoyed at his condescension, but Chase was like a yappy little puppy you couldn’t get mad at.

“You from New York?”

“Mmm, Connecticut, but I live here now. I mean, why wouldn’t I? I wanna be available and see and be seen. How do you do it?” He finished his drink with a noisy slurp and waved to the bartender for another. “I can’t believe you stay in that little town.”

“I had to. Personal reasons. But now I’m thinkin’ of Copyright 2016 - 2024