Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,40

ever see you again. I know we texted, but I figured it would peter out and we’d both go on with our lives. After all, we both have other responsibilities. So I was determined to forget. But it didn’t work. As a matter of fact…” Jake’s smile grew bright for a moment, but then he rubbed his face. “Nah, it’s stupid.”

Curious as to what caused the momentary glow in Jake’s eyes, Shea pushed up to rest against the headboard. “No. You know you’re gonna have to tell me now.”

Jake reached over the edge of the bed, came up with his briefs, and slipped them on. “Well, when I came back from the retreat, we—my babysitter and I—talked about how much my daughter loves animals. She goes to the petting zoo several times a week and has even taken therapy riding classes. The other day we got her an emotional support dog. After one day, that animal has wiggled her way into my heart.”

Impressed, Shea nodded. “Animals can be extraordinary in helping people, especially children. We’ve had lots of kids come for riding and just to play with the bunnies, goats and donkeys.”

Jake’s brows rose. “Wow. Well, that makes what I’m going to say even more interesting, then. I was wondering…” He bit his lip, and Shea braced himself but had no clue what for. “I was wondering what you would think of us paying a visit to the ranch. My daughter and me. I have a week coming to me I need to take. Overage of yearly vacation. I either use it or lose it, and usually I just take a couple of days to spend with Stacey and let the rest of the time go to waste. But now I’m thinking a week at the ranch might be perfect. For both of us.”

Shea only heard Jake saying, “a week at the ranch,” and his body went into overdrive. A week with Jake? He forced himself to act calm and under control. “That would be nice for her,” he agreed. “She’d love the animals, for sure.”

Jake chewed his lip, and Shea could see those brain cells churning. “Well, she’s never been away from home before, so even with me there, I’d worry about her. I’d have to bring her babysitter too. Terry is like her surrogate grandmother.”

“Is your mother not alive?”

A muscle ticked in the hard line of Jake’s jaw. “No. She died years ago.”

“I’m sorry.” Shea hesitated. “And your father?”

His face turned to stone. “I never knew him. It was always only my mother and me. She tried so hard to give me what she could, but she worked as a cashier, and money was always an issue. I’m sure the stress killed her early.”

“What happened?”

“Heart attack. My final year of college. I took a job where I could make good money, yet be home for a child. It’s all I ever wanted—to be married and have a family. Maybe I was kidding myself. Marriage and a family are hard enough for straight people. Being gay makes it a hundred times harder.”

“I can’t imagine how rough it must’ve been for your mother and you.”

“We got by.”

And with those three little words, it all became crystal clear to Shea. The singular devotion to his daughter to the detriment of anything else, including Jake’s own personal life. His tight circle of friends. Shea’s admiration for the man grew exponentially.

“My mother died giving birth to me.”

Now why the hell did he say anything?

Jake turned horrified eyes on him. “Jesus, I’m sorry.”

Uncomfortable with sympathy, Shea found his briefs and stepped into them, using that as an excuse to face away from Jake. “It’s okay. I mean, I heard she was a wonderful woman, and my dad loved her, but I guess since I never knew who she was, it was easier for me than if I’d had her with me for years, then lost her. Does that make sense? Anyway, my aunt raised me from day one, so I had that maternal love.”

With his other sexual partners, Shea had kept it light and fun, never delving much past Does this feel good? or Pass the tequila. But he didn’t mind the shift between him and Jake to something more sober and personal. He welcomed the intimate conversation to learn the inner, real Jake, instead of the outer layers everyone else got to see.

“You turned out pretty damn fine, so they did a good job.”

Shea picked up his clothes. “So where are you taking Copyright 2016 - 2024