Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,16

’Scuse me, please.” He and Patty disappeared into the kitchen.

“He’s so gorgeous,” Erica said, and when he failed to respond, she kicked him under the table.

“Ow, what?” He chewed his watermelon, then took a roll and buttered it.

“Don’t you dare act so nonchalant with me.” Her eyes flashed at him. “Why would you have a hangover? What happened?”

“Nothing. I, uh, had a few drinks and was a little tired when I got here, so I went to sleep. That’s all.” In order to forestall answering any more questions, he stuffed half the roll into his mouth.

“Yeah, sure. And I’m blonde, six feet tall, and have big blue eyes.” She continued to glare at him, but when Jake refused to say anything, Erica threw up her hands. “I give up.” She helped herself to eggs and bacon and began to eat.

Shea didn’t make another appearance during breakfast, and Jake relaxed enough to eat a pancake, several pieces of turkey bacon, and drink three cups of coffee. He finally felt human again and decided to forget about the previous evening.

With breakfast finished, Clarke stood up at the head of the table.

“We’re going to take a tour of the ranch now, and then you can all decide between boating, fishing, or riding. We’ll meet back here for lunch, and you’ll have the afternoon free until the barbecue at night, where we’ll have some team-bonding time. This is the perfect place to get to know each other better.”

“Ooh, what’re you guys going to do?”

None of it. “Not a clue. I have to call home. I’ll see you later.” Without waiting for them to answer, he left the dining area and headed out the front door.

The landscape was a totally different sight during the day. Tall trees shaded the house, and bushes of yellow roses as well as other flowers surrounded the long white porch. A winding brick path led down to the parking lot. Jake sat on the porch swing and FaceTimed home. After two rings, Terry appeared with Stacey sitting beside her at the kitchen table.

“Hi. It’s Daddy.” With a big smile on his face, he waved. “I miss you.”

Stacey gazed at him but didn’t smile or wave back.

“I’m here in Texas for the work thing I told you about. There are horses and chickens. I even heard an owl last night.”

He thought the mention of animals would get some response. For the past two years, he would bring Stacey to the zoo on the weekends, and seeing the animals and getting a chance to pet them was the only time he’d managed to eke out any kind of reaction from her. He wouldn’t feel like such a shit person leaving her, even if it was only for three days, if he could get some sign she was okay. His throat closed on him.

“Daddy’s going to ride a horse today. Maybe go in a rowboat. Would you want me to send you pictures?”

Terry clapped her hands. “Don’t you think that would be fun, honey? Seeing your daddy on a horse? Right, Stacey? I know I’d like to see that.”

She blinked and gave one tiny nod and smile, and for Jake, it was all he needed. Sunlight brightened his day, and he could accomplish anything, even spending the day with these incredibly annoying people. As long as his daughter acknowledged him.

He released a whoosh of breath. “Okay, baby. Daddy’ll send you tons of pictures. I hope they give me an old horse. Daddy’s never been on one.”

Terry smoothed Stacey’s waves. “Stacey and I are going to see animals today too. We’re going to the zoo, then to the library for children’s story hour.”

“Sounds like a great day. I wish I could be there.” He meant it too. “I love you, baby. I’ll call you tonight at bedtime.”

“Bye.” Terry waved, but it was Stacey he watched. Was it hope and wishful thinking to believe he saw light in her eyes? He couldn’t tell with the glare of the screen.

A few minutes later, as she always did, Terry sent him a text: She’s okay. Really. We had a good night, and she’s been fine this morning. No tears. I think sending her pictures of you on a horse would be wonderful. She was looking at the one of you and her by her bed this morning when I went in to get her.

Followed by: Try to relax and enjoy your time away. You don’t get it often enough. I told her we could make homemade pizza Copyright 2016 - 2024