Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,112

ribbons interwoven through the branches, and poinsettia plants sat up high on the mantels, to keep the dog from chewing on the leaves.

Chattering away, they all trekked into the kitchen, where Shea, Patty, Craig, and Johnny had spent the day preparing for a Christmas Eve feast. The table groaned with platters of barbecue chicken and brisket, roast beef, ham, and even a whole grilled salmon he’d gone into Dallas to buy. There were side dishes of mashed and sweet potatoes, roasted vegetables, macaroni and cheese, and salads. A separate table held pies, cakes, cookies, and more.

“I can’t believe you did all this. Thank you.” Jake hugged Patty, and she took his face between the palms of her hands.

“You’re family. This is what we do.”

Blinking, Jake met his eyes, and Shea’s heart threatened to burst, knowing how much those words meant to him.

Stacey stood in front of Patty. “Can I call you Grandma? All my friends at school said they were going to see their grandmas and grandpas for the holiday.”

Shea had never seen Patty at a loss for words before, but she put her hand over her heart. “My word. I’d never thought to hear…oh, my.” Tears glistened in her eyes, and she bent to hug Stacey. “ ’Course you can, sugar. I’d love to be your grandma.”

“Did you know?” he murmured to Jake.

“No. Not at all, but I should’ve seen it coming. She surprised us after Thanksgiving by asking Terry if she could call her Grandma too. I guess she’s searching to expand our family as well.”

“Well, you don’t gotta worry ’bout searching no more.” Shea draped an arm around Jake’s shoulders. “Why don’t we all wash up and have dinner? I know y’all planned to be here earlier, but with the plane delays, we’re just glad you made it.”

Once they’d all settled in around the table, they fell on the food like ravenous beasts. “Patty, I haven’t eaten this well since Thanksgiving.” Jake surveyed the demolished table, almost picked clean.

“Never gonna find food as good anywhere, that’s what I say.” Craig chewed on a toothpick. “I’d set Miss Patty up against any of them fancy chefs.”

“I agree. Especially knowing all the love that goes into it.” Jake raised his wineglass. “A toast to you, Patty.”

“Oh, stop it, y’all.” Her cheeks turned a fiery red. “I do it because I love you.” She stood, and Shea jumped to his feet.

“Aunt Patty, if you think we’re gonna let you clean up, you’re bein’ silly. C’mon, boys.” He waved to Craig and Johnny, who were already standing. “The three of us can do it quick, fast, and in a hurry.”

Jake also joined them, and in no time all the plates were gone and loaded into the dishwasher. Shea desperately wanted to get Jake alone for a few minutes and took his hand.

“Will you excuse us?” He tugged Jake by the hand, and to the knowing smiles of everyone else at the table, they left the kitchen and sat on the bottom step of the porch, gazing out into the darkness.

Jake huffed out a sigh of contentment. “It’s so perfect here. Like coming home. Do you know how much I missed you?”

“Probably as much as I missed you.” Shea put his arm around Jake’s shoulder. “But you’re here now for two weeks, and I’m goin’ back with you.”

“I’ve been thinking.”

“Always dangerous.” Shea chuckled, but Jake didn’t laugh.

“It’s been four months now, and every day, even though I didn’t think it was possible, I love you more. I don’t want to live apart anymore when we go home.”

“So,” Shea said gruffly, caught up in his emotions, “what’re you sayin’?”

“Move in with me…with us. This living separately when we’re always together is stupid.”

Laughing, Shea kissed his cheek. “Anyone ever tell you you’re cute when you’re grumpy?”

“That’s not an answer.”

“Bossy too. Must be that new job.”

“I love the job, and I love you.” Working from home two days a week had been an unexpected bonus, and having brought Keisha and Maria to the office as well, he felt completely secure. “Now, are you going to answer me, or do I have to get physical?”

“Oh, we’re gonna get physical, darlin’. Give me a few hours until everyone is settled in, and then you ’n me are going to the cabin.”

Jake’s smile gleamed in the night. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” Shea trailed his fingers down Jake’s cheek. “Can’t have you wakin’ up the house with all the screamin’ and hollerin’ you’re gonna be doin’.”

“I’m looking forward to it, but you’re avoiding my question.” Jake shifted to face him. “Do you not want to live together yet? I promise you, it isn’t too quick. I even spoke to Stacey, and she said yes, and—”

“Shh.” Shea placed his fingers over Jake’s mouth. “Can you close your mouth and your eyes for a sec?”


“Why do you New Yorkers always gotta answer one question with another? Just do it. Please?”

“Fine,” Jake grumbled, then sat still.

Shea pulled out the gold band he’d had in his pocket all day. Rubbing his thumb over its wide, smooth surface he knew the love it had brought his father would continue with Jake and him.

Trembling, he lifted Jake’s hand and slid the band on his finger, and at the first touch of the ring, Jake’s eyes flew open wide, and he stared in shock, first at his hand and then at Shea.

“What? You…this…oh, my God.” Jake touched the ring. “Shea…” Wetness glistened on Jake’s cheeks. “It’s so beautiful.”

“It was my daddy’s. I know he woulda loved you.” He took both of Jake’s hands in his. “I want to marry you. That means livin’ together. I don’t care if we do it there or here. Both places or one, it don’t matter, long as we’re together. I tried to forget where I came from, but with you, I don’t have to. I know who I am and what I need to make me happy. You. And our little princess.”

“Everything you are makes you the only one I need.” Jake kissed him. “The only man I want to be with.”

“So is it a yes?”

“Of course it is.”

A chorus of claps sounded behind them.

“Looks like we have an audience.” Jake shook with laughter.

“Welcome to the family.”

Shea didn’t care who was watching as he pulled Jake in for another kiss. He was where he wanted to be, and with whom. He was home.



Thank you so much for reading Forget Me Not! I hope you enjoyed reading Jake and Shea’s story as much as I loved writing them. If you can find a moment to leave a review, it would be greatly appreciated. Like M&Ms or potato chips, you can never have too many.

Thank you so much for reading Forget Me Not!

I hope you enjoyed reading Jake and Shea’s story as much as I loved writing them.

If you can find a moment to leave a review, it would be greatly appreciated.

Like M&Ms or potato chips, you can never have too many.

About the Author

Felice Stevens has always been a romantic at heart. She believes that while life is tough, there is always a happy ending just around the corner. Her characters have to work for it, however. Like life in NYC, nothing comes easy, and that includes love.

She lives in New York City with her husband and two children. Her day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass (or two) of red wine. She’s retired from practicing law, and now daydreams of a time when she can sit by a beach and write beautiful stories of men falling in love. Although there are bound to be a few bumps along the way, a Happily Ever After is always guaranteed

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