Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,106

so I’d need to be gone for a week or more.”

“I’d miss you like hell, not going to lie. But,” he said, watching Shea’s face fall, “I know you’ll be coming back to me, which would make the homecoming all the sweeter.” Jake scooted across the bed. “It’s you I want. So we’ll work it out. I won’t put pressure on you. After all, I fell in love with who you are.” He reached out to touch Shea’s face. “Why would I want you to change?”

Shea kissed his palm. “And what about the ranch? I did like what you were sayin’ about making it so it’s geared more toward children and families.” He smirked. “I think I’ve had enough dealing with corporate types.”

“Ha-ha. Tell me about it. There are many ways you can handle it. If you set it up as a nonprofit, and have equine therapy sessions like Stacey takes here, you’ll be able to do quite well. Equine therapy horses are in high demand.”

“Craig and Johnny already enrolled in the courses. They start training next month.”

“Good.” Jake’s mind worked furiously. “I’m sure Patty will also like having all the kids around more than dealing with the executives. You’ll need to change insurance policies and—”

“Hold up.” Shea put a hand over his mouth. “It’s late, and I’m worn out from traveling and other activities. Nothin’ needs to be decided this second.” He chuckled, and Jake allowed himself to be pulled into Shea’s strong arms. God, he missed this. Being loved by Shea proved to be an addiction he willingly gave himself up to. “We should get some sleep and talk about it in the morning.”

“I agree.” He climbed under the covers, but to his surprise, Shea began to dress. “You’re not staying? I thought we’d have breakfast tomorrow.”

“Told you I don’t think it’s a good thing to rush. And who said I won’t be here for breakfast?” Shea zipped his jeans and leaned over to give him a kiss. “Best be gettin’ up nice and early. I’ll be bangin’ on your door.”

Jake slipped his arms around Shea’s neck, and they kissed softly. Gently. Sweet with the knowledge they had tomorrow and the next day. Jake, flooded with warmth and the aching sensuality of Shea’s loving, slid under the covers. “I love you. I’m so glad you’re here.”

“Me too. I’ll let myself out.”

Jake closed his eyes.

* * *

Sunday night, Jake unlocked the apartment door and held it open for Shea. “Bend down, honey, or you’re going to hit your head.”

On Shea’s shoulders, Stacey folded herself in half, and Shea scooped her into his arms. Giggling, she clung to his neck. “I wish you didn’t hafta go back.”

Shea met his eyes over her head, and Jake winked. He had a feeling that would happen, but he’d deliberately said nothing to Stacey about Shea moving to New York or their returning to the ranch.

“Well, I have plenty of time before I gotta think about that, so let’s have as much fun as we can. But now it’s time for bed. I know I’m full as a pig after that dinner.” He rubbed his flat belly, and Jake made a mental note to explore those ridged abs with his lips later that evening.

“Me too,” Stacey piped up.

Their perfect weekend had begun with a call from his headhunter early on Saturday, yelling that he’d been trying to reach Jake for the entire day and demanding to know why he ignored his texts. He’d arranged for a Monday afternoon interview with the social media company Jake was hoping to work with.

That set the stage for a drive out to Coney Island, where they stopped off at Spumoni Gardens for pizza, they spent the day at the beach and the afternoon on the rides at Luna Park until their stomachs couldn’t take it anymore. Sunday they played tourist in the mostly empty city, and Stacey got to run around the Museum of Natural History and then Central Park and the zoo. After a walk through the Village and a stop at Big Gay Ice Cream, they hit up Chinatown for some lo mein, and Shea got his first taste of soup dumplings. Jake had never been more exhausted or happier in his life.

“Time for bed, honey.” Jake hoped there’d be no argument.

“Can Shea do it?”

Shea was clearly stunned, his eyes growing wide, and he stuttered, “Uh, well, doesn’t Daddy usually?”

“Yeah, but I want you.”

Nothing would give Jake more pleasure than to have Stacey love Shea as Copyright 2016 - 2024