Forget Me Not - Felice Stevens Page 0,103

eyes were wild with pain.

“Come inside. I don’t want to talk in the hall.”

Shea passed by him and waited until he closed the door. “It’s not Stacey, is it? She’s not sick or anythin’, right?”

Jake ran a hand through his hair, leaving it ruffled in places. With his tie loosened and his shirt open at the collar, Jake looked rumpled and uncertain, another sign something wasn’t right.

“No, she’s fine, but it is related to her directly, and dammit, you’re here and didn’t tell me, and I’m so fucking happy.” He grabbed Shea by the arms and pulled him close. “I really need you right now.”

Any misgivings he might’ve had faded away, and Shea lost himself in the intoxicating nearness of Jake.

“What’s wrong, darlin’? Tell me.”

Jake’s lips moved against his neck. “I got papers in the mail today. Brian relinquished all parental rights to Stacey. He’s cut her out of his life. Forever.” He raised his head, and Shea’s heart hurt from the anguish in his eyes. “How can he be so cold and heartless? Worse even, how was I married to someone like that and didn’t even see that side of him?”

“We all get fooled by people. Even you.”

Jake pressed his forehead into Shea’s neck. “Come sit down with me.”

Hand in hand, they walked to the living room, and Shea glanced around. “Aren’t you missin’ someone?”

Jake gave him a wry grin. “I came home early. It’s summer hours, so Fridays are shorter workdays, and as you can imagine, it’s been a damn long fucking week. Terry was here with Stacey when I opened the envelope. I handed it to her, and once she read it, she took Stacey and left to go for ice cream. I think Terry was afraid I would start crying because I was so upset.”

“Did you?”

“No,” Jake said, and his brows pulled together. “But I wanted to. Now take off those boots and stay awhile. Tell me why you didn’t want me to know you were coming.”

Shea pulled off his cowboy boots and socks. “Ahh, feels good. It wasn’t that I didn’t want you to know. Nothin’ secret goin’ on. I just figured it would be a nice surprise. I kinda want to see how it’s all gonna go there if I’m not around as much. I left Craig and Johnny in charge, and I’m gonna give them a raise when I come back.” He rubbed his foot over Jake’s. “Besides, I didn’t have anythin’ special at the ranch that would keep me from bein’ where I really wanted to be, so why wait?”

“That’s nice to hear. And I’m very glad you did.”

Shea crossed his arms. “But somethin’s wrong. Talk to me.”

Dropping his gaze to the floor, Jake rubbed a hand over his face. He braced his elbows on his knees and hung his head, then said, “It might shock you, but I wasn’t always like this.”

“Like what?” Shea’s gaze raked over Jake. “I don’t see a single thing wrong with what I’m lookin’ at.” If he was hoping to break the mood, it didn’t work. He could almost see the tension radiating off Jake.

“Tight. Controlled. I was so happy to be part of a couple, I felt scared to ever voice my disagreement with anything Brian wanted, and I was too busy trying to create the happiest of homes. Someone wanted me—the kid who came from nothing, a nobody. As I told you before, we both always understood I was the driving force behind us having a child. Brian was okay with it, but I was the one who made it happen. With Stacey, I could be free and happy, but with Brian…” He shook his head. “Maybe I also hurt her.”

Shea had to interrupt. “You’re a wonderful father. Don’t ever think you aren’t, because I’ve had the best, and you could stand in my daddy’s shoes anytime.” He refused to let Jake rip himself apart without acknowledging the truth.

“Thank you.” Jake slanted a quick smile at him. “I have to take some of the blame, though, because I think I spent every day of my marriage waiting for it all to fall apart. Disappointment, loss, and fear shaped me. And when Brian did finally walk away, I became a hard, cold person at work.”

Shea’s heart ached as he heard the pain in Jake’s confession, so he placed a hand on his rigid back. “I don’t know that man. I only know the Jake who constantly falls in the water and laughs, or looks cute Copyright 2016 - 2024