Forged (Star Breed #10) - Elin Wyn Page 0,71

city, as we strapped ourselves into our seats.

The cloud of dust and flame took out half of our sensors as we entered the atmosphere. We gained speed and tilted forward, and I could feel the pressure of the straps trying to hold me up as gravity pulled me downward.

It was a struggle to breathe. The pull of gravity was forcing us downward, while the atmosphere tried to resist our penetration. I tried to lift my arm to my console to push the button for the retro rockets in order to level us out and slow us down, but I couldn’t lift my arm high enough.

The ground rushed at us, and I closed my eyes.

I’ll be back with you soon, my family, I thought. My only hope was that we took those bastards with us.

My head snapped forward as the Vengeance crashed into the ground.

There was no way that death could possibly hurt this much.

I looked to my left to see Karzin slowly and gingerly lifting his head. Just past him, S’toz’s head hung forward, his chin on his chest. To my right, Sk’lar was moaning in pain, trying to reach his arm up to his head.

I slowly—oh, so, so slowly reached up to unbuckle my straps. Now free from my restraints—and oh so grateful for them, as well—I gingerly got to my feet, waiting for the blast of pain to overwhelm my senses.

“Location?” I asked.

Sk’lar answered after a short coughing fit. “We’re planet-side. That’s all I know. Last thing I remember seeing was that we were heading for a large forest.”

That’s when it finally hit me. The computers were down.


A groan from behind Sk’lar answered us. Rouhr’s straps had snapped, and he ended up being flung around.

“I’m still alive. Vrehx?” He pulled himself to a sitting position on the floor, his right arm dangling, blood flowing from his cheek, and his left arm clutching his ribs.

“Sir?” My left arm hurt, and it was hard to breathe, I might have cracked a rib or six. I had a headache from the depths of destruction, and I was struggling to maintain weight on my right ankle.

“Get the commanders and your teams together. Find out where we are and if we’re in danger. Thribb and I will handle the ship.”

I knew better than to argue with him.

I made my way to the lift, but the doors wouldn’t open.

I moved three steps to my left and opened the maintenance hatch. Looking down, it was surprisingly clear.

Time to climb, I thought.

At least it was downward.

Click to get Vrehx!

Need to catch up with the Star Breed?

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In and out, hard and fast.

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So when a gorgeous woman saves my life, I'm knocked more than a bit off my game.

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About the Author

I love old movies – To Catch a Thief, Notorious, All About Eve — and anything with Katherine Hepburn in it. Clever, elegant people doing clever, elegant things.

I’m a hopeless romantic.

And I love science fiction and the promise of space.

So it makes perfect sense to me to try to merge all of those loves into a new science fiction world, where dashing heroes and lovely ladies have adventures, get into trouble, and find their true love in the stars!

Copyright © 2020 by Elin Wyn

All rights reserved. These books or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the Author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and co-incidental. Copyright 2016 - 2024