A Forever Kind of Love - Ellie Wade Page 0,1

here with a two-carat engagement ring in my hand, waiting to ask someone to marry me, to be my wife. I’m ready to love and cherish her till death do us part.

But there is just one problem.

She isn’t Lily.

Lily walks out the door, letting it close loudly behind her.

“You already lost me. I just didn’t know it.” Her final words to me echo in my mind, causing a torrent of emotions to invade my brain.

Today, anger speaks the loudest.

I’m fucking livid. I’m so mad, and I know I don’t have a reason to be.

Life just happens. Who am I to think that my life should turn out exactly the way I planned? How many people are lucky enough to have life go according to schedule? Anyone? Maybe a few bastards out there are fortunate enough, but the majority of us don’t get so lucky.

Either way I look at it, either way I choose…I will lose.

I will not be coming out of this unscathed.

It would be impossible.

But on the other hand, either way, I win, too. Life is funny that way. It’s always taking, but then it’s always giving back as well. Sometimes, I have to look more closely to find the blessings, but when I quiet the fury and pity surrounding me, I can always find the light.

“Hey,” Stella says quietly.

Speaking of the light.

She is watching me, leaning against the wooden pillar at the entranceway of the sitting room. “You okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

“How did it go?” she asks, concerned.

“Horrible.” I run my hands through my hair, expelling a breath. My chest feels tight. “But I guess as good as it could have.”

Lily showed up, unannounced, to tell me that she wanted me back, that she loved me…that I was her everything.

I hadn’t wanted Lily to find out this way. I hadn’t wanted her to unknowingly walk into the house that I owned with my fiancée and pour her heart out to me. I should have gone to her to break the news earlier this week, but Stella and I had been so busy finalizing everything with the house and moving.

I can’t even imagine how much Lily must be hurting right now. The pain and heartache that my words caused Lily was so tangible that I felt the anguish radiating from her every pore. I broke her heart again. Ugh, what a cruel blindside.

Everything in me wants to run after her, wants to explain. I want to bare my heart, let her know everything. I want to convince her of my love and let her know why I’ve chosen Stella, why I’ve committed myself to Stella.

But I can’t. I watched Lily walk out my door, broken, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

Stella walks toward me. “I’m sorry, babe. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you.” Her hazel eyes shine down on me, so full of love.

“Stop,” I reply quietly, dismissing her concern. “It’s fine. Come here.” I reach my hand out to her and pull her down to my lap.

She giggles as she falls on me, and I wrap her up in my arms. I hug her tightly, taking in her scent, which is a deadly combination of coconut and sweet fruit.

I sigh. “Well, that’s done at least.”

“True. So, can we tell your family now?” Stella asks hesitantly.

I laugh loudly, shaking my head. This whole situation is so ridiculous that I can’t help but chuckle. “I think that sounds like a great idea.”

I haven’t been home since Christmas break when Lily broke my heart into shreds after refusing to take me back. It was only a little over six months ago, but it seems like a lifetime.

My parents and Landon were at my graduation, but they didn’t run into Stella. At the time, we had been dating for only three months. To be honest, I wasn’t sure where Stella and I were heading, and I was still desperately missing Lily. My family knows of Stella because I’ve mentioned her in the past. They know that she was my study buddy all throughout college. I’m sure they think we are good friends, and while that is true, we are much more.

Shortly after graduation, things intensified quickly with the whirlwind of the engagement and the house. Perhaps I should’ve informed my family as it was happening, but I didn’t. Stella and I needed time to figure out our plan before we had the outside influence of others.

The past six weeks have been intense,

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