Forever Doon (Doon #4) - Carey Corp Page 0,98

vow to spend ever’ day o’ my life showing ye how absolutely, indescribably I love you.”

Tears glistened in Veronica’s eyes and it was all I could do to hold back my own as she began to speak.

“Jamie, destiny brought us together, but even if it hadn’t, even if there were no such thing as a Calling, I would have found you. You’re my compass, the one who guides me home. You’re my strength when I want to fall apart. You’re the hero from every dream I’ve ever had.” Her throat constricted, tears leaking from her eyes. “I choose you, James Thomas Kellan MacCrae, to be my co-ruler and partner for life. As I am bound to Doon, I am yours forever.”

Reverend Guthrie wove the cords around us once more, laid his hands atop ours, and bowed his head. “We ask for the Protector’s blessin’ upon his chosen servants, James and Veronica. As the rulers of our great kingdom, these cords also symbolize their Completing. They have accepted the call ta rule side by side, to balance, support, and challenge when need be. We ask that ye give them wisdom and guidance ever’ day o’ their long lives. Amen.” He lifted his hands to the sky. “In this unity there will be great power!”

As all of Doon roared their approval, something buzzed through our joined hands, and when I met Vee’s startled gaze I saw that she felt it too.

“Ye may kiss your queen!”

Our hands still bound and tingling, I leaned down as Vee rose on her toes, and I brushed my lips against hers.

“Laird MacCrae!” a distance voice shouted.

I jerked back and spun to find Gideon half dragging someone toward the clearing. I squinted and recognized the man as one of those we’d sent to guard the skeleton army. Blood darkened the side of his head and he appeared barely conscious.

Our hands still bound, Vee and I raced to meet them at the edge of the field.

“Gideon, report!”

“The rest o’ the guards are dead, m’ Laird.” Gideon stopped before us and bent at the waist, sucking in ragged breaths. “Adelaide has mobilized her army.”

The reverend, who had followed us, began to unwrap our bound hands as Doc Benoir rushed forward to help the injured guard.

“Where, Gideon?” Vee asked as she shucked the last of the ribbons from her fingers. “Where is her army headed?”

“To the bridge, Yer Majesty. To cut off the Destined from enterin’.”

“She knows about that?” I questioned.

“Aye. From the guard. It’s no’ his fault, m’Laird. She flayed the others right in front o’ him.”

Gideon straightened and I clapped him on the back. “You’ve served the kingdom with great honor this day, Captain. Thank you for warnin’ us.”

“I would do it again, if need be.”

Fergus began to yell orders, attempting to mobilize people into squads, but mass chaos reigned. I ran back to the field and leapt onto a nearby boulder, put my fingers in my mouth and blew. The whistle had the desired effect, everyone freezing to look in my direction. “Do not panic! We’re safe under the ring’s protective shield. Assemble your weapons and be ready to move at the queen’s order. Now go!”

As I turned back to where Vee stood, the wounded soldier leapt up from the ground, brandishing a wicked looking blade. With an ungodly shriek, he lurched at my queen. She threw up her arms and her eyes flared in terror. I jumped from the rock, but even as my feet hit the ground, I knew I was too far to stop the knife as it descended in a wide arch toward her heart. I screamed her name, but couldn’t hear my own voice over the roar of my pulse.

I willed my legs to move faster, and as I pulled my dirk, a body flew through the air, tackling the rogue soldier to the ground. With a burst of speed, I reached Vee and caught her as she tumbled back, a horrified gasp passing her lips. “Gideon.”

The soldier pushed a body off him as he rolled to his feet. My commander’s lifeless eyes stared back at me, a blade protruding from his chest. I palmed the dirk and charged, but as I knocked the soldier to the dirt, his figure flashed and then transformed into Veronica. “Jamie, wait!”

Vee’s wide, aqua eyes stared back at me in terror and my arm froze mid-stab. In that split second, my brain knew it was the witch, and yet, I hesitated. I’d almost killed the real Veronica Copyright 2016 - 2024