Forever Doon (Doon #4) - Carey Corp Page 0,88

the limbus, our rings united and formed a protective bubble around us. I want to try to create a force field like that around the camp. If my theory is correct, it will allow our people to pass through, but will keep evil out.”

“Including Addie’s minions?”

“Exactly.” She let go of one of my hands. Turning toward the decaying building, she took a deep breath. “If we enter the cursed grounds, the protection will form around us.”

Together, we took a step and then another and another, until our rings glowed fiery red and brilliant green. At the point of no return—the rusted gate—we paused. As one, we reached toward the gate, opened it, and stepped across evil’s threshold. Immediately, the light from our rings morphed into a dazzling white bubble that surrounded us, blocking out the worst of the stench.

“Now what?” I panted.

“Close your eyes and envision the protective bubble expanding from us to the camp—along the stream that flows from the River Doon, to the Murrays’ fields, to the livestock pen in the east pasture.” Her words were soft, almost hypnotic, and I could see everything she described in my mind’s eye. She went on, painting a picture of every aspect of camp, and as she did, I envisioned the bubble covering it.

After a few minutes, I couldn’t take it. I cracked an eye and then two, unable to believe what I was seeing. A shimmering dome arched over us as far as I could see. “Vee, look!”

She opened her eyes and her jaw dropped. “We did it.”

“We sure did.” As much I wanted to stand around crowing about her cleverness, I was more anxious to get back on uncursed ground. “Let’s get out of here.” I tugged her back across the witch’s garden and through the gate.

As soon as we hopped over the row of dead petunias, she stopped. “Hold on. There’s one more test. We need to make sure the protection will stay without us.”

She released my hand and I held my breath as the bubble around us faded from white to a red and green glow and then winked out completely.

As I stared at my ring, Vee muttered something very unqueenly followed by, “It’s gone!”

I gazed up at the treetops to where a faint glow shimmered, sparkling like dust moats floating in a sunbeam. “No, it’s still there. I can see it.”

“Really?” She stood on her toes and blinked, but the moment I’d released her hand, she could no longer see the enchantment. Clasping her hand in mine, I asked, “Can you see it now?”

“Yes.” Vee nodded toward the glittering dome and then turned to me with a watery smile. “See, stronger together. Which is why you need to hurry back.”



I loved my brother. But when it came to the MacCrae portion of obstinacy, Jamie had received a triple share. He was more pigheaded than the rest of my clan combined. While that trait lent itself to an irreproachable code of morality, it oft as naught led to masochism when my brother made up his mind to punish himself.

I waited until Fergus left the tent so I could speak to my brother alone. Jamie stood behind a makeshift table of weapons, cleaning them. I joined him, picking up a small dirk and sharpening the blade with a whetstone. When I finished I replaced that dagger and picked up another.

“Mackenna and I are nearly ready to leave for the Brig o’ Doon.” My brother and the queen were to accompany us, not only so that Veronica could open the portal, but also to test the Calling between our lasses once we’d crossed. It would be extremely beneficial if they could communicate with one another as needed. “I’m wondering what to do about the auld man.”

Whatever fault made Jamie blind to himself, he was an excellent judge of character where others were concerned. Pausing in his work, he turned to me. “I believe Alasdair’s on our side.” He went on to tell me about the conversation my kinsman had had with Queen Veronica at the skeleton field.

“Shall we leave him here then?”

“Aye.” Jamie nodded.

“The fewer people to cross the bridge, the better,” I replied.

“An’ Mabel?”

At the mention of my beloved horse, I frowned. “What of her?”

“Will you bring her back wi’ ye?” Jamie asked casually.

“Nay.” I’d given the matter much thought during my time in Alloway. Mabel was the one creature I could keep safe; therefore, she would stay behind under the meticulous care of our solicitors.

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