Forever Doon (Doon #4) - Carey Corp Page 0,78

with supplies. Ropes, bedding, dried food, and whatnot from our training exercises. If our people have been moving from one to the next, they would’ve likely come across provisions.”

“Perhaps enough for a small regiment,” I added in afterthought. “But scarcely enough to sustain the number of people we estimate are up there, even if they raided a dozen caves.”

As Jamie caught the end of the rope, Veronica brushed her hands together. “Then let’s not waste any time.” She took hold of the rope and began to climb.

“Alasdair will go next. Then me. Duncan and Mackenna will follow an’ Eoran will climb last.” My brother pointed to Ewan. “Murray, stay down here and secure the perimeter. You know the distress call?”

“Aye, m’Laird.” With a nod and a reticent glance toward the queen, Ewan scurried off into the woods. I found myself wondering, not for the first time, what had transpired between them while Mackenna and I were in Alloway and Jamie was captive.

Veronica was already halfway up the cliff with Alasdair close behind. For an auld man bordering on ancient, he was surprisingly nimble. “Rather like a mountain goat, isn’t he?” I remarked for my brother’s benefit.

“Tha’s what I thought.” With a chuckle, Jamie handed the end of the rope to me to hold taut, but before he began to climb, he repeated, “You’re no’ scairt.”

Mackenna reached for the rope, but I shook my head to stop her. “We’ll wait for them to reach the top,” I explained as I pulled on the rope to take up the slack.

“Okay.” Her face, which guarded nothing, told me that she wanted to go right away before her courage failed her.

“It’ll be all right. I won’t let any harm come to ye.” I longed to reach out and cup the downy skin of her cheek, but my hands were occupied with the task at hand.

“I know that,” she said stiffly. Although she was standing next to me, close enough to touch, the distance between us created a void that chilled me.

Doing my best to take my brother’s advice, I said softly, “What’s on your mind, woman?”

She raised her brow. “Why would Jamie think you’re scared to scale the side of a cliff?”

Looking away from her penetrating gaze, I shot daggers at my brother’s backside—thanking the Protector he’d chosen to wear trousers and not a kilt. “It’s a long story.”

“Of course it is,” she replied with a huff. Even though I wasn’t looking at her, I could picture the eye roll that accompanied it.

In silence, we watched Jamie disappear into the fissure on the side of the cliff. “Seriously, Duncan. I’m not sure what I—”

“Now’s not the time.” I cut her off, my words sounding harsher than I intended as I pulled the rope taut. “Up you go.”


The Doonians clustered around Vee and Jamie, eager to hear news from camp regarding their loved ones. Vee did her best to calm their fears, but she couldn’t answer all of their questions at once. Speaking to Lachlan’s parents, who appeared to be in charge of those in the cave, she assured them their son was safe. Mrs. McPhee melted into her husband’s arms, both of them crying tears of relief.

And then chaos erupted—people crying out names, others demanding to know Vee’s plan to defeat the witch and take back the kingdom. I tried to shove my way through the mass of bodies, who clearly hadn’t had access to running water for a while, but there were too many people between me and my best friend.

A sheer whistle split the air, echoing through the cavernous space and instantly silencing the mob. I could no longer see him, but Jamie’s voice carried over the babble. “You will all back up now, unless ye wish to crush yer queen.”

Whispers and the shuffling of feet filled the pause as the crowd forced me back until I hit the jagged cave wall. Spotting a higher elevation, I climbed up to a rocky ledge, just as Jamie lifted Vee onto a boulder on the opposite side of the room.

“Give us just a moment,” Jamie commanded in his authoritative, prince-of-the-universe voice. “Her Majesty wishes to address you all at once, and then she will meet with ye individually.”

Vee dropped her dusty cloak to reveal her Royals jersey and baseball pants. Her hair, coming loose from her braid, fell in thick strands around her dirt-smudged cheeks. Dressed in modern clothes, she looked like a terrified eighteen-year-old girl, not the leader of a divided kingdom. But Copyright 2016 - 2024