Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,52

their room. They were standing on the side of their cribs holding on and crying. The twins sensed that danger was coming, but exactly when they did not know. I went to Asher and picked him. He instantly stopped. Landon grabbed Ariel and held her close cooing to her.

I was pregnant with them when I fought the Dark Lord. I was surprised that they survived and I was thankful for them every day. The picture was a present from Julie, she said she couldn’t help but show us.

Asher had dark black hair and dark black eyes just like his daddy. Ariel had dark brown hair with brilliant blue eyes, she favored me.

“Oh, my precious babies did we have another bad dream?” I asked while kissing Ariel lightly on the cheek and holding Asher close with his head resting on my chest.

They shook their heads in unison. They were close to each other. If one woke up the other knew and cried just as hard as their twin. It was like they could feel each other’s pain.

“Do you want to come sleep with mommy and daddy?” Landon asked them gently.

“Yes,” they both screamed at the same time in their little voices.

We walked them back to the room and laid them in the middle of our bed. Landon crawled in next to Asher and I crawled in next to Ariel. Landon turned out the lights while I covered us up. We snuggled down under the blanks.

Asher grabbed Ariel’s hand. Ariel leaned her head up against Asher’s and they both closed their eyes.

“I love you Asher and Ariel,” I whispered to them. Landon did the same. I looked over and whispered the same to Landon.

“Oh, but I love you so much more,” he replied silently and wrapped his arm around Asher.

I laid there quietly with the light of the moon shinning down on us through the window, admiring my little family and wondered how lucky I was to have them in my life. I chose my own destiny and this is what I had chosen. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.

I knew they would come for me again soon. There were now three of us who had powers that the Dark Lord wanted. The twins were half demon and half angel. I would do anything to protect them and I knew Landon would, too.

I snuggled down further in my blanket and wrapped my arm around Ariel. We would wait and we would destroy him again.

The twins, as they get older will be trained on how to control their powers and we will be ready and waiting for the return of danger. We would defeat the Dark Lord when the time came again. For now we are enjoying life as a family and it can’t get any better than this.


I want to first give thanks to my precious children. Tyler, Baylee, and Adrian you are my everything. You give me the courage, motivation, and the strength to do something great. I love you guys dearly and I hope you never think any different.

I want to thank my fiancé, David Flynn, for being amazing and supportive. I know that working on this book took much of my attention. Thank you so much for all that you do and all the support that you give me. Also, thank you on your insight about guns, as well as letting me read some parts of this book to you.

I want to thank Kayla Caudill and Jenny McNeal who came over every few days for me to read out loud to them. You guys are amazing. The encouragement, the insight, and the support were greatly appreciated.

I want to thank my mom, Lisa Barnwell, for the late nights and early mornings writing. I enjoyed the time I spent with you while you heard me ranting on and on about my book. Also, letting me sit there and write with the peace and quiet that I so rarely get. You are amazing and I love you so much.

I want to thank my daddy, John Barnwell, for encouraging and supporting me. You always make me excited when I give you a story idea. You encouraged me to run with it, because of this, well, look I have created a novel. Many more to come, I love you a great deal, thank you.

I want to thank all my Facebook fans who have supported me and read my never ending status updates. You guys have said the right things, at the right time. You all are amazing; I love all the support and motivation. The opinions that you shared with me, as well as your insights, have been very helpful!

To my Beta Readers/Editors:

Jaimie Hope, I want to say thank you for everything that you have done for me. You have been amazing and have turned out to be an awesome supportive friend. I hope that one day I will be able to return the favor.

JaimieHope is an author as well. You can find all her work at this link…

I want to thank Bree Stone for taking the time to read Forever Changed. I know you have your own stuff going on, but it was greatly appreciated it. You are awesome and a great friend.

Mark Mackey what can I say, you have been amazing. I have enjoyed talking to you about books, current projects, and upcoming projects. I was honored that you wanted to read my book. Mark Mackey is an author as well. You can find all his work at this link…

Roy, you are so awesome. You have helped me out so much and I appreciate everything that you have done for me. We started off as just knowing each other through a project and then have become a wonderful friend. I could not have done this without your help and insight Thank you so much!

Roy Ezell, you are so awesome. You have helped me out so much and I appreciate everything that you have done for me. We started off as just knowing each other through a project and then have become a wonderful friend. I could not have done this without your help and insight Thank you so much!

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