Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,42

I know that he believed me.

“My father was actually going to call the school and just tell them I would be there for graduation and just keep me at home. I mean graduation is only a month away, but my father is going to put me to work at the gym.” I said with a smile. Officer Benton looked at my father waiting for a confirmation. My father shook his head, with a huge smile on his face. He looked like a proud father for sure.

“Well, Miss Elizabeth,” he said while standing. “I hope you feel better. Thank you for the information. We will start searching the woods and see if maybe he has had an accident. I will be in touch if something else arises.” He said sweetly. “I suggest you go to college, you are still young. Congratulations on graduation. It’s fine I will see myself out the door.” He said as my father had stood to follow him out. He shook our hands, said goodbyes, and he walked to the door. We listened, until we heard the door shut.

My father went to make sure he actually did leave. When returned and nodded his head yes, telling us he was gone. We all relaxed and breathed out slowly. That was a close call. I know they would rule his death as an accident and I would be in the clear. I had committed the perfect murder.

“Well, now that is out of the way, at least until he returns,” my father said a little more relaxed. Then, while his body tensed up and his eyes became more serious, he said, “Now, we have to prepare for the arrival of the Dark Lord.”

I tensed up a little, but I was ready to get it over with and I planned on just that.

I would defeat the Dark Lord!

Chapter 29

It had already been week, since Officer Benton stopped by my house for answers. We had totally transformed our living room into a work room and from there we stayed from sunrise to sunset practicing. My father said, “We need to prepare for the Dark Lord.”

My father was showing my mother how to use her witch powers, but she was not succeeding in them. The most she managed to do, was push out a little line of white light.

Something was wrong with this. From what I read, about witches, they had some major powers. They could shoot out red, green, blue, or black type balls of fire, to defeat their enemy. I was not sure, but I think my father was wrong about my mother being a witch. She didn’t look like a witch and she didn’t act like one.

She was pretty and except for the day that she murdered my father, I have never seen her angry. The only time she cried was when my father hit her and I only heard her cry. I had never seen her cry. She only always smiled, even when he did hit her, she smiled and then stayed in bed afterwards. It was weird, but I was curious. After we defeated the Dark Lord, I will investigate further and find out the truth.

Landon was a pro, he didn’t need to prep, but I was worried if he would be able to do anything, when he faced his father. I was afraid that he would not be able to stand against him. I hoped he could and he promised and promised that he would protect us the best he could. I believed him and I knew he would do just that.

My father was a pro as well. He could become pissed off in a blink of an eye. His eyes would turn a bright red; he could even shoot flames from them. If he could concentrate hard enough, his anger could shatter a lamp or crush a chair into a hundred pieces. It was awesome and I was having fun with all of it.

I, on the other hand, had to learn how to channel my anger in order to do as my father done. In the beginning, my days were short from being exhausted, but the more I practiced my powers, the less tired I became.

I had perfected myself on concentrating, smashing, and crushing things with my eyes. I however struggled with the flames that came from the red, in my eyes.

My parents and Landon were amazed at how the storms formed with each time my eyes changed, from their brilliant blue, to the bright red. Copyright 2016 - 2024