Forever Changed - By Jamie Gibson Page 0,22

mind? Really?” He brought me back to my own world, leaving my face a little blushed.

“Well I was wondering if I could give you a makeover.” I said sweetly sounding like a small child asking her daddy if she could paint his nails.

“A makeover?” Now it was his turn to cock his eyebrow at me. “Why would you want to give me a makeover?”

“Well, to be honest, you need a bath and a haircut. A fresh clean set of clothes would be great as well.” I said innocently hoping I was not offending him. I figured he would tell me no, especially with the look on his face. He seemed torn about something I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

“What do I get out of this?” He said coolly.

“Time with me, you said that we were going to be great friends, but I would like a friend that would actually look decent around me.” I giggled a little when I said this.

He tilted his head a little to the right, pondering for a second, and then said, “Of course Elizabeth, I would do anything for you.”

I blushed again and turned my head so he couldn’t see my face. “Really? You will let me give you a makeover!”

“Of course, but I will not allow you to paint my nails,” he said with a look of disgust.

“No I wouldn’t do that unless you wanted me, too!” I laughed and grabbed him by his hand and dragged him to the bathroom.

I turned on the light and shut the door. I also made sure to lock it, just in case my mother walked in. I couldn’t have her see I had a friend, that was male for one, and secondly I couldn’t have her see he was an actual demon.

I left him standing there and started running hot water in the tub. I ran into my closet and grabbed some bath stuff.

I came out and while pouring smelly stuff in the bath water, I said, “Strip and get in.”

“Do what? Sorry I don’t strip on the first date.” He said with his growl laugh.

I stopped and looked up at him, “Pa aa….lease this is not a date and on our first meeting you saw me completely naked, from an unexpected visit out of my floor. Not to mention your eyes looked like they were going to pop out of your head,” I said getting aggravated with him. “Now strip and get in.”

“As you wish then,” he said while removing his cape and his dirty clothes underneath.

I was standing there watching him and I tried to avert my eyes, but failed miserably. He had the body that most guys my age would kill for. He was white as white could be, but his muscles stood out like a pimple. He had a six pack and huge biceps. His calf muscles were enormous and his chest muscles were amazing. We won’t go into the detail in between, except that he would be able to please any girl, without questions!

“Are you just going to stand and stare at me, Elizabeth?” He asked with the biggest grin on his face. “You might want to shut your mouth before a fly flies in.” He said while laughing.

I shut my mouth and turned my back on him. My face grew hot and I knew it was blood red. “Ummmm right…sorry” I said embarrassed. I could not form any words. What the hell is wrong with me?

“No harm, no foul, red is my favorite color and looks wonderful on you,” he said this while sliding into the tub of water.

“Thanks,” I mumbled while I handed him a wash cloth and regretted immediately watching him undress. What was I thinking? Now I was embarrassed and was not sure if I wanted to do this anymore. I was feeling funny in all kinds of weird places.

I let him wash up while I kept myself busy getting towels, clippers, combs, and scissors ready. I walked into the back of my closet and grabbed a nice pair of men’s jeans, which I thought would fit him, and a black polo shirt. Julie had by mistake, stuck my father’s clothes in there and I never took them back to him. Now I was glad I hadn’t.

After Landon finished bathing, I washed his hair for him. His hair was so greasy that I had to wash it three times, before it looked like hair instead of lard. When I finished, I handed him a Copyright 2016 - 2024