Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,66

were a nice touch. You thought your man sent you something huh? I had an idea that I wanted to run by you. Which one would you rather see hurt your mother or your friends? Decisions, well I guess you will see that I’m serious when shit hits the fan.

“What the hell? When did you get these?”

“The first one you remember is from my car. The other ones started coming a couple weeks later. I’ve gotten them for the past three months.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“No, I’m not.”

“All this time you got us walking around like shit sweet and you got somebody ready to kill you! You have to be kidding me because you are not just showing me this shit after all this damn time. You begged me to let you come back to your house after the shit with your car and you know it’s a crazy ass person out here ready to terminate on site.”

“I’m sorry. You think I don’t feel bad that I might be the cause of my best friend’s downfall?”

“You might? The fucking proof is in the damn letters. Whoever wants you is willing to come at anybody close to you just to fuck with you. Whatever happens to Danielle is your fault because you failed to let anybody know about your little notes.”

Brielle began crying uncontrollable. She knew what Kiyan said was true but she didn’t know that what he said would come out the way that it did. She was the cause of Danielle’s attack. The person who attacked her was the same person who wanted her dead. She knew if Kiyan wasn’t on her side after reading the notes that no one would be willing to hear her out.

“What am I going to do?” Brielle cried out.

“You have to tell Cam.”

“Why? Can I please stay here? I can’t take anymore yelling from anybody else.”

“Aren’t you tired of keeping secrets?”


“So no, you can’t stay here. You made your bed now you have to lie in it.” Kiyan said driving towards the hospital.

As Brielle and Kiyan reached the hospital door, Brielle knew that Cam was going to make sure she would not get a word in. Brielle took a deep breath before walking behind Kiyan. Cam was still pacing back and forth when Brielle and Kiyan approached him.

“Aye Cam, Brielle has something to tell you.”

“Wassup sis?”

“I think you should read these.”

“What’s this?”

“Just read it please.”

Cam began reading the letters and as he read each letter his eyes grew larger and larger. He couldn’t believe what he was reading. As he read the last message his light skin instantly turned red.

“What the fuck yo?”

“Cam, please don’t make a scene.” Brielle pleaded.

“Hell no! You’re the reason Danielle is in there.” Cam screamed.

“What is he talking about?” Shanice, Sabriya, and Chloe asked at the same time.

“Tell them.” Cam screamed.

“Tell us what?” Shanice asked.

“That the reason Danielle is in the hospital because Brielle is so damn stupid that she couldn’t tell nobody that she’s been being threatened for the last three months.”

“Brielle tell us that’s not true,” Sabriya stepped up.

“I’m sorry,” Brielle bursted back in tears.

“Don’t apologize now.” Cam yelled.

“Iight man, calm down.” Kiy interjected.

“Aye yo Kiy, keep your girl away from me.” Cam walked out the doors of the hospital.

Cam got into the car and leaned his seat back. He took a much-needed breath when his phone began to ring.

“Tell me something!” Cam said answering the phone.

“Are you sure?” Cam sighed picking up the letters.

“Fuck! Iight yo, keep doing what you’re doing.” Cam said picking up his phone.

“Ain’t this a bitch.” Cam said reading over the letters Brielle gave him.

He noticed the letter looked familiar. Just when he was about to get out the car he looked in the back seat of the car, and picked up the letter. As he read the letter be became angrier and angrier.

Cam walked back into the hospital and headed over towards Brielle and Kiyan. Cam emotions were everywhere and everybody knew Cam had lost it when he threw the letters at Brielle.

“Start talking because this shit is your fault.”

“How do you know that?” Zo asked.

“Because the same person who left my girl for dead left a little surprise for Ms. I won’t tell my secrets.”

Zo read the letter out loud:

Danielle, Danielle, Danielle! I told your bitch of a friend that I was going to make her suffer. She must of thought I was joking. I know for a fact you wont be able to read this, so for whoever Copyright 2016 - 2024