Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,64

ass become the relationship expert? Let me find out Danni made your ass soft," joked Zo.

"Miss me with the bullshit. You know I've always had a good judgment of character. It doesn't have shit to do with me being soft. But as for me and Danni, we're in a good spot right now."

"Aye I was just fucking with you and that's good ya'll in a good spot. But it won't be for long if you don't get your ass up outta here soon."

"Oh shit. I almost forgot what time it was. I'll holla at you later," Cam said picking his phone up from the control station.

"Iight man, call me when you touch down.”



Danielle had finally finished her presentation. She was beyond tired and all she wanted to do was lay in the bed whether it was hers or Cam’s. Before she started to pack up she sent Cam a text:

Danielle: I’m done. I’ll be waiting in the car for you.

Cam: Iight. I’m like 5 minutes away.

Danielle: Okay.

Danielle cleared off her desk and decided to call Chloe since she had another five minutes before Cam pulled up.

“Hello,” Chloe answered the phone.

“What are you doing?” Danielle asked her best friend.

“Nothing at all. I’m at Ty’s house. I just got in from practice not too long ago.”

“Cool. Is that my little partner I hear in the background?” Danni said asking about Tiana.

“Yeah girl, that’s her.” Chloe laughed.

“It is almost eleven o’clock, what is she still doing up?”

“Girl bye. This girl will be up all night.”

“Last time I checked it was a school night and all princesses are grumpy in the morning if they don’t get enough sleep.”

“Not her. Tiana is what we call a new breed princess because this girl is never tired and she has her daddy wrapped around her finger so no bed time exist in this house.”

“Lawd. Well I was just calling to check on you. I’m leaving work and I’m walking to my car to meet Cam.” Danielle said pulling her coat tighter.

“Awe, okay. I love you and tell Cam it’s a work night. No sleepovers for y’all.” Chloe laughed.

“Girl bye, last time I checked I was grown. But I love you too.” Danielle said hanging up the phone walking towards her car.

Danielle pulled out her car keys when she felt a presence behind her. She pulled her phone out and pressed Cam name to call him. Just as the phone started ringing she was shoved to the ground. Danielle looked up to see a masked man looking down at her. Danielle had heard about this too many times to be a victim of kidnapping and rape. She didn’t know what the person’s motives were but she just knew she would be one of those people who would not go down with out a fight. Danielle tried to stand up but the before she knew she was kicked in the side by the attacker. Danielle let out a screeching scream.

Danielle heard Cam’s voice on the phone, but she couldn’t reach it because when she fell on the ground her phone slid out of reach. The attacker continued to give Danielle blows to the head and the side. Before she knew it all she saw was black. Danielle was going in and out of conscious. She could no longer take the blows that the attacker was given.

After seeing that Danielle was knocked out the attacker threw the paper at her and ran before anyone could catch them leaving Danielle to die. Just as the attacker left, Cam was doing a hundred miles per hour into the parking lot. Cam hopped out of the car and seen a weak Danielle laid flat out on the ground. Cam couldn’t help but to drop a tear. He had never seen Danielle like this. He didn’t know what to do. He pulled out his phone and decided that he could get her to the hospital before any EMT people could.

“Aye ma you are going to be okay. I’m going to get you some help.”

Cam lifted Danielle off the ground, grabbed her purse, cell phone and the note off the ground and ran to put her in the car. Cam did one hundred and twenty breaking every driving law ever made up. He seen that Danielle lost a lot of blood and she was still not responsive. Cam reached the hospital and called out for help while pulling Danielle out of the car.

“My girlfriend needs help yo.”

“Sir give her to us.” The attendant told Cam.

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