Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,62

you earlier, that me and Kiyan are together now" Brielle said while looking at Keyshia, she could tell that she was pissed.

"You’re such a bitch yo. I swear I asked you if you wanted to be with him and you said NO." Keyshia yelled.

"First of all, don’t ever in your life come at her like that. You acting like I gave you hope or something. I told your ass you weren’t my type. You thought I was playing?" Kiyan said to Keyshia.

"You didn't say you was dating her either. But that's okay I'm sure her stuck up, confused ass will be dumping you soon," Keyshia said starting to walk away but she turned around and looked at Brielle. "This isn't over you're going to learn not to play with people feelings," with that she headed out the club.

"Damn yo did you do a background check on her ass? She don't look like she got it all," Ty laughed.

Everyone at the table laughed as Brielle said, "Yes I did but apparently it was missing the part where it says that the bitch is crazy."

Chapter 29

“That girl’s elevator definitely doesn’t go all the way up to the top floor.” -Danielle

Brielle knew that something would have to give with Keyshia. The way she acted at Zo’s birthday party was unacceptable and consequences would have to be given out. She obviously felt the way she felt for a while now or it wouldn’t have come out the way that it did. Brielle walked inside her office building and was greeted by a smiling and happy Keyshia.

“Good morning Bri. Your messages are on your desk and I just started some coffee. It should be done in a minute.” Keyshia said.

“Good morning Keyshia. Can I see you in my office?” Brielle said walking inside taking a seat.

“Sure. I’m right behind you.” Keyshia said.

“Keyshia you do know we have to talk about Zo’s Birthday party.”

“Yes, I know. I apologize for being such a bitch. I had too many drinks obviously and I lost my damn mind.” Keyshia frowned.

“I don’t think drinking too much is an excuse for how you were acting this weekend. You were out of control. I have never seen you like that.” Brielle reminded Keyshia of her out of control weekend.

“I know and again I sincerely apologize. I was drunk and I was bugging out. I owe your friends an apology. But most of all I owe you an apology.” Keyshia started to tear up.

“Don’t cry Keyshia.” Brielle said handing her a tissue.

“I have to because I really don’t know what was wrong with me.” Keyshia cried.

“It’s cool but don’t ever talk to me like that again. Whether we are in the office or out because next time you will be looking for another job. Are we clear?” Brielle asked.

“Yes. We are crystal clear.” Keyshia sniffled.

“Go clean yourself up and get to work crybaby.” Brielle smiled.

“Okay. I’ll bring you some coffee in a minute.” Keyshia said leaving out the office.

Brielle waited until Keyshia was out of the office before she picked up the phone and called Danielle.

“Good morning,” Danielle greeted Brielle.

“You sound like you’ve been up for a while.” Brielle joked.

“You’re joking but I have. I have been in this office eight o’clock this morning.” Danielle sighed.

“Damn, you wasted no time after the weekend.” Brielle laughed.

“It’s only because I took the day off Friday to help Shanice look for a outfit for the party.”

“Now you have double the work huh?” Brielle reminded her.

“Yes. I’m going to be in here forever.” Danielle sighed.

“Well go ahead. I was calling you to tell you about Keyshia.”

“What the sad child say when you fired her?” Danielle laughed.

“Girl I didn’t fire her. She started crying and carrying on when I asked her to come in my office. She said she was drunk when she was at the party.” Brielle said giving Danielle a play by play on what happened.

“She suckered your ass because while she was at the bar that girl had two drinks maximum. She wasn’t there long enough to have any more.” Danielle laughed.

“I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt that she drunk before she came to the party.” Brielle said.

“Yeah girl, you better watch her.” Danielle said seriously.

“I am.” Brielle said.

“That girl’s elevator definitely doesn’t go all the way up to the top floor.” Danielle said joking.

“You ain’t shit Danni.” Brielle laughed.

“I never claimed that I was.”

“Okay, go ahead and get your work done and call me when you get a break.” Brielle Copyright 2016 - 2024