Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,5

was scared shitless, but he didn't want to look like a punk in front of his friends. He hoped he wouldn't have to get into it with none of these ladies because they looked like they didn't play games.

"Oh, so your young ass wanna show out huh? I got something for that," said Brielle putting her bags down. She knew that she would have to step out of her character because usually she always had to. Brielle knew she and her girl’s looks mesmerized most niggas and chicks. Everywhere they went they had to deal with jealous chicks and thirsty niggas, she couldn’t blame them because all of her best friends were simply gorgeous.

Danielle was light skin, had black hair with blonde highlights that stopped at her shoulders. She had the body of a video vixen; she had the shape of an hourglass standing at 5'9. Shanice was brown skin, rocked the baddest short haircut you've ever seen. You never saw Shanice wear the same style as anyone else. She had crazy style and she was unique. She stood at 5'8. She was the reasonable one of the group. Chloe was the baby of the group. She wasn't the baby based on age, but she was the baby of the group because she was all of the other girl’s weakness. If Chloe was crying, the girls were ready to throw on sweatpants and whop a bitch ass or a nigga. Chloe was 5'6, she had a X-Shape body and she attracted dudes anywhere she stepped. She had the prettiest greenest/grey eyes you've ever seen. Looks were deceiving because if you crossed her or pissed her off she would quickly show you why she wasn't to be fucked with. Sabriya was the lightest one in the bunch. She was Trinidadian so her hair was long and curly. She was 6 feet even. Sabriya was the fashionista of the group. Last but not least, Brielle was brown skin, long beautiful black hair. She had dimples so deep that people couldn't help but want to stare at them. She had hazel eyes that stood out instantly if you looked at her. Brielle was the shortest one in the group, standing at 5'4. Brielle was the girl in the group that had been through the most. She had no tolerance for disrespect from nobody.

Just as Brielle raised her hand to slap the shit out of this little boy, she heard "it's cool miss, I got this lil nigga." Where ever this voice was coming from Brielle was trying to see the face of that beautiful, yet deadly voice. When he finally appeared, Brielle had to catch her balance because damn did he look good. He looked like Brielle's dream man. He was 6'6, brown skin with the deepest waves she had ever seen. He had matching dimples that just made his smile the best she had ever seen. He had muscles for days; he could have easily been mistaken for a football player. But what made Brielle take another look was he had the most mesmerizing eyes she has ever seen. They were light brown completed with the perfect eyelashes.

"Look lil nigga, I don't ever want to see you putting your hands on another woman and the next time I see you doing it, I'm going to break all ten of your fingers. Do you understand me?" Kiyan harshly said to the young boy. The young boy noticed Kiyan when he first stepped up and he knew that Kiyan was not to be fucked with. Kiyan put fear into the boy's heart so the only thing the little boy could do was nod his head and walk away with his crew behind him. But before he got a chance to walk away, Brielle smacked some sense into his little ass. If he thought he was getting off he had another thing coming.

“Next time, don’t try to show off in front of your little ass friends,” Shanice laughed.

"Thank you, but I definitely had it,” said Brielle.

"It's cool ma, you didn't have to. Save that ass whopping for somebody else," Kiyan joked. Kiyan looked at all the girls and gave his boy Cam a nod signaling that all the girls were as gorgeous as they thought they were from afar.

"By the way, I’m Kiyan and this is my boy Cameron,” said Kiyan pointing at Cam who came to stand next to him.

"I'm Brielle, and these are my best friends Danielle, Shanice, Sabriya and Chloe," smiled Brielle Copyright 2016 - 2024