Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,44

some shit I always say no.” Sabriya laughed.

“I know. But that’s a good thing. I would hate to be with somebody who I tell what to do and his ass jumps. That gets boring. Cam is crazy as hell, but he’s my crazy ass boyfriend.” Danielle smiled.

“WOW,” Brielle said.

“Wow what?” Danielle asked.

“Who would of thought, stubborn ass Danielle would be head over heels over a nigga. Every time you say his name you glow." Brielle smiled.

"Whatever, don't worry about what I do. What's going on with y'all and y'all relationships," Danielle joked and asked.

"Me & Hakeem doing good. Can't even complain this time," Sabriya joked.

"Yeah, Alonzo and I are doing better than I ever expected. Between planning his party and living together, I'm always with his ass." Shanice added.

"Well, y'all know I’ve been dating Kris for a while, he been cool since the whole aggravating me thing, but I'm still not letting my guard down too much. Besides how much I been working and hanging with Kiy, I haven't really had any time to entertain his nonsense." Brielle said.

"Speaking of Kiyan, how is he and have you met his new girlfriend?" Chloe asked.

"Samara? New Girlfriend?" Brielle replied.

“No, I know you met Samara. I’m talking about some new girl.”

“Kiyan doesn't have a new girlfriend,” Brielle said confidently.

"Oh, I seen him at the mall with a girl like 4 days ago, I just thought he had a new girl by now." Chloe said.

"Kiyan is good and I don't know anything about a new girl, he hasn't said anything about a girlfriend so I'm not sweating it. But what is up with you & Tyrese? How have y'all been?" Brielle said changing the subject.

"There is no Tyrese & I. I haven't spoken to him in a couple of weeks. I texted him, called him, and he just hasn't answered me so I counted it as a lost. I haven’t even seen him since before Shanice’s birthday dinner since he didn’t come. We made plans to go out after that but he never called. Now thinking about it every time we made plans to go out, he would have to cancel because something important came up," Chloe sighed.

"Oh wow, why didn't you say anything?" Danielle asked.

"Because like I said I just counted it as a lost. I am not trying to chase no nigga that don't want to be caught. I mean I wanted to have a relationship with him, but not enough to keep chasing him around, " Chloe responded.

"It's crazy because when I was in the house with them earlier, I could of sworn I heard Tyrese saying something about going to get his shorty and going home. I thought his ass was talking about you," Shanice frowned.

"Nope. He wasn't talking about me, so now y'all have the answer. He has a new girl, that's why he doesn't answer my texts," Chloe said getting mad inside.

"That's messed up, I would of never thought Tyrese would be the type to do that. I think he owes you an explanation," Brielle added

"Yeah, he has to come better than that. He can't be trying to get with you one day & then the next be living happy with some bitch," Danielle added, the drinks they were having was kicking in.

"It doesn't matter y'all, I'm not stressing it. It's over. I'm better than that. Tyrese has been extra secretive lately, " she added.

"Well I still say, you need to go over there and get some damn answers and find out some of those secrets," Sabriya said and all the other girls agreed.

Chloe wanted the conversation to be over. She would never let her girls know that she really was hurt behind Tyrese starting something with her and then ending it to be with somebody else. She thought he was better than that, but obviously he wasn't. She didn't know if it was the drinks that she consumed tonight at Dave & Busters, but she felt like going over to Tyrese house to see why he thought she was the one to try to play.

Brielle was in deep thought as well, she knew Kiyan better not have another girlfriend. Last time she checked he was still with Samara. If he did have another one, then when did he find time to be with her since he was always either out with her or in the studio with his boys. Shit, he spent the night last night at her house. She knew this would be another test on Copyright 2016 - 2024