Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,34

them for the next day.

“Thank you! I can’t wait,” Shanice smiled.

She gave Zo the open envelope as she started opening the next one. She screamed, “Oh my god! Zo, you didn’t!”

“Yes I did.”

“He got me my 2012 Range Rover.” Shanice stood up and did her happy dance. She went over to Zo and gave him the biggest smile and kiss ever.

“Thank you baby,” Shanice said.

“Don’t thank me! Open your last gift.” Zo smiled.

Shanice gave Zo the open envelope and grabbed the last envelope from off the floor. She noticed that this envelope was thicker than each of the other envelopes. Zo was nervous because this was the gift that he was unsure of. This would determine the next step in their relationship. There were three cards stuck in one envelope.

“Can I read it out loud?” Shanice asked.

“Yeah, you can.” Zo smiled.

“First of all, Happy birthday ma! I love you more than I loved any female I’ve ever met. I know we’ve only been dating for five going on six months, but I feel like we’ve known each other for life. You proved to be more loyal than half of the dudes I surround myself with. You know that’s saying a lot since I trust everybody in my circle with my life. I would like to take our relationship to the next level, and if you’re with me than that’s all I’ll ever need.” Shanice read out loud.

“I’m with you,” Shanice said standing up and hugging Zo.

“Iight. If you’re with me then open the second envelope,” Zo responded.

When Shanice opened the second envelope she had the shock of her life. Then she dropped that envelope and grabbed the other one and ripped that open and began shuffling threw papers. When she got to the last page, she had nothing but tears in her eyes.

“Yes Zo! I will.” Shanice jumped in Zo’s arms.

“You will what?” Danielle gave them the side eye.

“Zo and I are moving in together. He bought us a huge house and I said yes.” Shanice smiled.

Everybody was happy for them. Shanice and Zo’s relationship went by fast and they knew that the love that Shanice and Zo had for each other was genuine and it could survive through anything but it was true love. Everyone was glad to see the two so happy and couldn’t wait to witness the journey between the two lovers.

Chapter 16

“I’m positive, and besides your not my type anyway,” - Kiyan

Kiyan was getting ready for the Knicks versus Celtics game. Brielle invited him a couple weeks ago. He didn’t know if it would be awkward between them after what went down at Shanice’s birthday party. The meeting between Brielle, Danielle and Samara was something you saw in a movie. Danielle made it known that she didn’t care for Samara from the start. However, Brielle stayed quiet about the Samara situation. Brielle engaged in conversations with the group but when it came to having private conversations with Kiyan or Samara, she always walked away.

Brielle didn’t speak to Kiyan since the birthday dinner until she texted him yesterday asking if he still wanted to go to the game with her. She volunteered to pick him up and drive to Madison Square Garden, since she had an all access pass for the event’s parking lot.

Kiyan put on his sneakers and walked into the kitchen when his phone beeped.

Brielle: Pulling up now. Can you bring me a bottle of water? :]

Kiyan: Iight. I’m coming out.

Kiyan grabbed the bottle of water, put the alarm on the house, and walked to Brielle’s car.

“Wassup,” Kiyan greeted Brielle.

“Hey Mr. Keep Secrets,” Brielle laughed.

“Here we go! I knew this was coming,” Kiyan joined in laughing.

“That’s because you knew you were wrong.” Brielle said seriously.

“I know man. I should of just told y’all” Kiyan looked ahead.

“You should have. You didn’t have to keep secrets,” Brielle preached.

“I know. I fucked up this time,” Kiyan admitted.

“Exactly. You don’t have to lie to us. We don’t have to date her you do. Oh yeah Danielle said she is going to kick your ass,” Brielle laughed.

“Yo! She got my number from Cam and told me.” Kiyan remembered.

“She’s serious too. She wouldn’t shut up about it when we went back to my house,” Brielle told Kiy.

“Danielle went back to your crib? I thought Kris told Cam he was spending the night!” Kiy looked at Bri.

“Kris does not spend the night at my house. I won’t let him, so he lied to Cam” Brielle said seriously.

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