Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,31

as Samara walked out of the shop.

“So do you think Bri & Danni will like her?” Shanice spit out.

“Bri definitely, but Danni nobody will ever know until its time for them to meet,” Sabriya laughed.


One Week Later

Zo was running around for three weeks straight trying to get Shanice the perfect gift for her birthday. It was definitely hard because Shanice basically had everything she wanted. He promised her months ago that he would make her birthday one to remember if she helped him get Brielle and Kiyan together. Even though that never happened, he still had every intention on making this birthday a special one. Hiding stuff from Shanice was hard for Zo because he knew if he stopped coming around she would assume he was making surprise plans for her birthday and she would make sure she was always around him, so he got Brielle involved to help him.

Today was finally the day before Shanice’s birthday and he had something special up his sleeve. He was giving her a surprise dinner and he was going to make sure that all the couples attended and were prepared to be out all night to eat and then party for his girl’s birthday. Shanice was one of those people who put everybody before she put herself and Zo was going to make sure he returned the same feelings she had. He knew at this point in their relationship he wanted to make sure she was happy before he was happy. Shanice snuck in his life and captured his heart, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Zo was ready to take the next step in their relationship. He just hoped that Shanice wouldn’t think he was moving to fast. He put a lot of thought into her biggest gift and he hoped he wouldn’t have to return it. Brielle told him that she thought Shanice would love it but he wasn’t too sure because although Brielle and Shanice were best friends they both reacted to certain things differently.

While checking to make sure everything was perfect, Zo texted to make sure everything was on schedule with Brielle and the girls.

Zo: Is everything good on your end?

Brielle: Everything is good. We are all at my house getting ready to go out for the night.

Zo: Good! Does she suspect anything?

Brielle: Nothing at all. She just thinks it’s a normal night out with the girls.

Zo: Perfect. Her nosey ass done called me like four times asking what I was doing tonight.

Brielle: I know, lol. She was pissed that you weren’t answering your phone earlier.

Zo: I know she was. But I was making sure everything was in order and I had my phone in my jeans.

Brielle: It’s cool, we calmed her down. Lol.

Zo: Iight cool. What time is your boy getting here?

Brielle: I don’t even know. If he’s coming he should be there around 8.

Zo: If? But okay. I’ll be here. My boys are getting here around the same time.

Brielle: Cool.

Zo: Iight. Remember text me when y’all are leaving your house. That lets me know y’all are like 20 mins away from the place.

Brielle: Kk. I’ll text you.

Now that Brielle confirmed everything, Zo finally exhaled. He didn’t want anything to go wrong for her birthday because he knew that Shanice was working overtime to make sure his birthday was nothing less than perfect. He looked at his iced out Luxurman watch that Shanice helped him picked out and noticed that he only had about an hour before everything would start and was waiting for his boys and Kris to show up. He pulled out his ringing phone and saw that he had two unread text messages.

#1 Supporter: Hey babe. Just wanted you to know I’m going out with the girls tonight, but I’m coming to spend the night at your house when we leave. Wait up for me.

Ty: Aye brah, I know your going to kill me but something came up that I can’t get out of so I’m not going to make it to Sha’s party. I’ll explain everything when I see y’all. Give Sha a kiss for me and tell her I got her gift when I see her.

He smiled at Sha’s text and sighed at Ty’s text, then texted them both back.

Zo: Ok ma. I’ll be at the studio tonight, but I’ll be at my house way before you get there. Be safe and don’t get nobody hurt.

Zo: Ite man. You got some explaining to do and I’ll tell Sha when she gets here.

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