Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,26

You had the option of going outside to dine, but being that it was unusually chilly for it to be an early October night, the waiter didn’t even give out that option.

Brielle took her seat across from Kris. The two looked over their menus and soon after that conversation started.

“So Kris, how old are you,” Brielle began.

“I’m twenty-seven, and I won’t ask you how old you are because my mother told me that it’s rude and disrespectful for a man to ask a woman her age.”

“Your mother raised you right. However, a woman can offer her age. I just turned twenty-five in August.”

“Wow! You just had a birthday. What did you do for your birthday?”

“Nothing spectacular. I don’t really go all out for my birthday. I went to a concert that my best friend’s boyfriend performed at, went out to dinner with a bunch of friends and that was about it.”

“I wouldn’t say that’s nothing major, but it sounds like fun. So what do you love to do when you’re not working?”

“Technically, I’m always working. But when I am not working, I love to watch movies, I read sometimes, and I love redecorating things.”

“Sounds fun, what do you like to read and watch?”

“I love to watch love movies that would make you cry. I love movies that will make you laugh and have a great meaning. I read romance and urban fiction books when I have time to sit down and read an actual book.”

“How do you like being an image consultant? What do you actually do?”

“I love being an image consultant. Although it’s hard work, it also is very fun and it allows me to try different things. I do all types of things as a consultant. We are paid to show people how to create an impression to their bosses, the media and a lot of other people. We recommend new styles whether that is clothing, hairstyles, and talents. We offer the kind of advice that can help people get more recognition for a job, help someone find business deals, find someone to love, or to just feel good about themselves. We basically advise individuals how to present a better image to make them feel better about themselves and to make other people feel better about the client,” Brielle explained.

“That sounds wonderful. Now I understand why you say technically you’re always working. It must be really hard to keep up with new fashion trends.”

“Not really, my best friend is deep in the fashion world. So if anything important happens, I usually am one of the first people to here about it.”

“Looks like you really love what you do,” Kris said amazed.

“I really do. It wasn’t what I set out to be when I was in college, but I’m glad this is the route I went.”

“That’s great. I hate my job. I make great money, but I don’t like what I do.”

“That’s sad. What did you want to do?”

“I wanted to be a lawyer, however finances got to tight for me to go to graduate school and law school.”

“Never thought to take out loans?”

“I didn’t want to go the loan route. I hate knowing that I owe someone else money.”

“So you let your pride get in the way of achieving your dreams?”

“I wouldn’t put it that way. I just changed my dream along the way.”

“Okay, change of subject.”

“So, how come a pretty woman like yourself isn’t in a relationship?”

“Circumstances. There are many reasons why I’m not in relationships. My whole 25 years of living I’ve only been in 2 long relationships. One ended on mutual turns, the other ended badly. I think I have a bad eye when it comes to choosing men.”

“Well, I’m here to prove you wrong. I mean if you would give me the chance.”

“I’m not willing to jump head first into a relationship, but I like your personality. So lets take this one day at a time.”

“I can live with that. One date at a time.”

Brielle sat at the dinner table with Kris. He was a nice guy and she hadn’t met a guy who was so invested on getting to know the real Brielle. He paid her compliments every time he saw her. He made sure that he asked her questions about her life. He wanted to know how she felt and didn’t shut her down when she disagreed with him. She was interested in getting to know him. Tonight was their start of something new. She was willing to let him try to Copyright 2016 - 2024