Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,21

stomach growling the whole time you was quite,” Kiyan laughed.

Brielle laughed along with him. She didn’t know how Kiyan went from ten to zero within five minutes but she was glad that she didn’t lose Kiyan over Jaiden. Shit he wasn’t even apart of her life any more.

Chapter 11

“You forgot the part where you ain’t shit.” -Danielle

Cameron and Danielle’s relationship was beginning to blossom. It had been a couple months and Cam was starting to feel guilty for lying to Danielle all this time. He decided that tonight would be the night that he told Danielle his original thoughts about her and her friends. Cam was sitting in front of Danielle’s condo building trying to come up with a way to bring up the conversation. Danielle came out the building wearing a pair of dark blue Michael Kor’s skinny jeans, a yellow and brown Michael Kor’s cardigan, and a pair of brown Nine West thigh high boots. Cam thought she was cute with her little getty up outfit.

As soon as she got in the car, she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. She noticed his facial expression showed guilt, but she thought that maybe she reading too much into things. She had a long day, and she wasn’t going to ruin it by accusing Cam of something that he didn’t do. Cam pulled off and proceeded to the movie theater, they were going to see New Moon because Danni had practically begged him to take her to see it.

When they got to the movie theater, Cam parked in the lot and turned the car off and looked at Danni. “Look ma, we gotta talk,” he said while sighing.

“What’s on your mind,” Danni turned towards him.

“I have a confession to make”

“Confession? What type of confession?”

“Remember when we first met?”

“Yeah, what about it? That was months ago, why are you bringing it up now?”

“Long story short, when all the shit went down with Kiy and Bri, I started all that because I was the one that pointed y’all out with the players.”

“Excuse me? Come again,” Danielle, said putting her phone in her clutch.

“Look I was wrong for just assuming shit but at the time… ” Cam started.

“You started off thinking the worst of us, of ME!” yelled Danni interrupting him, to say she was pissed would be an understatement, but even more so she was hurt. She thought Cam was different and was really feeling him. Cam could see the hurt in her eyes and that’s what made him feel even worst.

“Ma look calm down, true I said and thought that shit before I really got to know you and found out you were far from that. I never meant to hurt you Danielle believe me when I say that. When I saw y’all in those players faces I just assumed that’s how y’all got down.”

“Wow Cam and all this time you been what, just stringing me along trying to get some?”

“No, I can get some from anywhere. I never had a problem in that area. Shit that didn’t come out right at all.”

Danni grabbed her clutch unlocked the door and was out the car before Cam had a chance to clean up his statement. While walking thru the parking lot she reached in her clutch for her phone. “I really can’t believe this, how the hell did I let myself fall for this shit,” she thought out loud stopping to call Brielle and ask her to come get her. Catching up with her, Cam grabbed her lightly by the forearm and tried turning her to face him, but she yanked her arm away. This time he grabbed both arms forcing her to look at him.

“Look ma, I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way shape or form. That was NEVER my intention. These last few months we spent together, this shit has been eating me up knowing I thought the worst of you. I wanted to tell you so many times, but I didn’t wanna mess up what we have now.”

“So that first night you texted me, did you think you was gonna get some? Thought I was some hit it and quit it, ” asked Danni. She don’t know why this shit was getting to her; then again she did, she was in love and right now at this very moment her heart was being broken by the one man she thought would change her way of thinking about men.

“Danni look if I could go back and Copyright 2016 - 2024