Forever and a Day - By Jasmine Barber Page 0,19

that Kiyan was still trying to get more than a friendship out of Brielle, so he decided to talk to Shanice about possibly setting the two up. The perfect opportunity came when Shanice decided that she would spend yet another night at Alonzo's house.

Sha and Alonzo were sitting on the couch looking through delivery menus to order from when Alonzo started, "Aye ma can I ask you something?"

Shanice looked up from the Chinese menu curiously, "Uh yeah. Wassup?"

"Why your girl won't give my boy a chance to make shit up?" Alonzo asked.

"I don't know Zo, I am not Bri so I don't know what's running through her mind." Sha expressed.

"I'm saying, he apologized on many occasions and every time we all hangout he shows her nothing but respect," Alonzo started.

"Well maybe this is a conversation you need to have with Brielle and not me." Shanice said picking the menu back up.

"I was thinking we set them up. You know make them hang out," Alonzo said giving Sha his best smile.

"Us set Bri up, you must be ready to die boo." Shanice joked.

"I'm just saying, what's the worse that can happen."

"Do you not know who we are talking about? The same Kiyan who called her a gold digger on their first date. So I say there is a lot that can happen if we try to do this shit."

"Well I think it would work, and you're going to help me set it up," Alonzo said matter fact.

"If I help you, what do I get?" Shanice sucked her teeth.

"You'll get a happy friend, that's what you will get," Alonzo said pulling Shanice off the couch onto his lap.

"Oh hell no, if I'm risking a possible argument with my best friend it will require a lot more than her happiness," Shanice said.

"How about this, we make it happen I'll love you forever and I'll take you shoe shopping. How does that sound?" Alonzo said.

"That will not work and you are not slick. You have no choice but to love me forever and I can buy my own shoes. I need something more. Something unique." Shanice laughed.

"Iight I got you. If you do this I promise I'll take you on a vacation anywhere you choose and I let you completely finish planning my party. No complaints and since somebodies birthday is coming up I’ll make it one you will never forget,” Alonzo said seriously.

“You got yourself a bet, but I promise you if I don’t remember my 24 birthday, your party will be one to remember and not in a good way.” Shanice said kissing Alonzo’s lips.

“Damn, I love it when you threaten me. It’s hot,” Alonzo said standing up and picking Shanice up in his arms.

“Where are we going? What happened to us ordering?” Shanice asked.

“The Chinese store doesn’t close until 4, let’s go work up an appetite.” Alonzo said kissing Shanice forehead.

“I think I can do that for you Mr.Jackson,” Shanice said biting Alonzo’s bottom lip.

“You’ll regret that,” Alonzo said licking his sore lip.

“I will, but I bet I enjoy my punishment,” Sha smiled.

“You know it, I promise you will enjoy it, but I’ll enjoy it more,” Alonzo said walking towards the bedroom.

“Tell me what you’re gonna do?” Shanice teased.

“What’s understood ain’t got to be explained,” Alonzo winked while putting Shanice in the middle of the bed. He was going to make sure Shanice knew exactly what he meant when he said that. She was in for a long night.

Chapter 10

“Come fuck with a boss” –Kiyan

Kiyan woke up wanting to go shopping and since his friendship with Brielle was getting better and stronger by the day. He figured Brielle would be the best person to go shopping with so he decided to call her up and see what her plans were for the day.

“Hey Bri, What’s up?”

“Wassup Light Bright,” Brielle said calling Kiy the nickname that she came up with because of his light skin.

“Ain’t nothing, whats ya plan for the day?”

“Now you know I don’t make plans, I just go with the flow.”

“Well you trying to come with me to the mall in a couple hours?”

“Yeah man, why not? What are you trying to get?”

“I don’t know. I’m always down for new sneakers and Trues.”

“Lawdd, I’m down. It’s 12 o’clock now; you wanna meet me at my house around like 2? It gives me a chance to get dressed and clean up a little bit.”

“Sayless. I’m gonna go get a shape up & check up on Zo and Shanice about this Copyright 2016 - 2024