Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,81

she puffs.

“Come for me, Kenna. I can’t hold on any longer. Your pussy is going crazy. I need you to come for me.”

“Faster,” she pants.

I abandon her clit and place my hands on her hips. I lift her up and slam her back down over and over again. Her pussy convulses; she’s close.

“There. Right. There,” she says, tilting her head back.

Two more thrusts and I feel her coming, and I allow myself to spill over inside her. My entire body is spent but in the best possible way. We manage to clean up and dry off before falling into bed exhausted.

Chapter 26


“Dawson Law Firm, this is McKenna,” I say into the receiver.

“Yes, I need to speak to McKenna Dawson,” my best friend says. She’s trying to disguise her voice, but it doesn’t work. I know it’s her.

“She’s not here. She’s having lunch with her best friend.”

“What the hell, Mac?” Laramie laughs.

“Got ya. What’s up?” I ask with a chuckle.

“We still on for girls’ night tomorrow tonight?”


“Okay, well, how about we just hang out at my place? Colby said he would get Corbin and Rip to meet up at the Silver Star for dinner and a few beers.”

“Sure. What can I bring?”

“I figured we’d just order pizza.”

“Sure. Same time?”

“Yes, around seven. I think the guys are meeting at our place at seven, so I figured that’s easiest if you and Sara want to ride with them.”

“That works for me. I’ll see you then.”

“See you.” I end the call and go back to the court brief I’m reading when the phone rings again.

I don’t know how Gramps gets anything done when Mary’s not here. She went to high school with my mom and has worked for Gramps for years. She’s on vacation with her family this week, and her absence is apparent.

“Dawson Law Firm,” I greet the caller.

“Even your professional phone voice is sexy.”


“Hey,” I say, feeling my face flush.

“Miss you.”

“You do?”

“Always. Are you sure you want to do girls’ night tomorrow tonight?”

“I am. Your sister just called. Change of plans. We’re hanging out at their place.”


“I mean, the girls are hanging out at her place. Colby is supposed to call you and Corbin for dinner and beers at the Silver Star.”

“I liked the first plan better,” he confesses. “That must be why Colbs called.”

“Did you not call him back?”

“No. I will. I was missing you and needed to hear your voice.”

I sigh a happy sigh into the phone. “What am I going to do with you, Rip Callahan?”

“Love me, baby. That’s all I want is for you to love me.”


“Good. You staying with me tonight?”

“I should probably stay at Gram and Gramps.”

“We’ll spend the day with them tomorrow before we have to leave, or Sunday. Just… please stay with me. It’s been a long day, and I need to feel your skin next to mine.”

How can I say no to that? “Okay.”

“I guess I need to call Colby back. You want me to pick you up?”

“I think I can drive that quarter of a mile to get to your place on my own,” I tease.

“Don’t fault a man for wanting to take care of the woman he loves,” he counters.

“I need to get back to work.”

“Me too. See you soon,” he says, and the line goes dead.

I have four more hours until this workweek is finished. Glancing at the calendar on my desk, I have it marked that my results from the bar exam could come in as early as next week. I’ve been checking the website for my grades religiously, even though I know it could take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks. Next week is eight weeks. I’m anxious to hear my results and hopefully begin working as an attorney.

Everything I’ve ever wanted seems to be falling into place. I can’t help but be skeptical of when the other shoe is going to drop. I’m trying really hard to not let my insecurities come between me and what I want for my future. Surely, it can’t be this easy to live your dream.

“Where are you going?” I ask Rip when I feel him climb out of bed.

“I’m going to go feed the animals. I gave Thomas the day off. I should be back around noon.”

“You want me to make you some breakfast?” I ask, sitting up, making sure to hold the sheet over my naked breasts.

“No, baby. Go back to sleep. It’s still early.” He sits next to me on the bed.

I look to the window and see that Copyright 2016 - 2024