Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,79

next perfect opportunity to give me her forever.

“I should pack up before the storm rolls in.”

“What can I do to help?”

I kiss her forehead. “You being here is enough. Thank you for bringing me food.”

“You didn’t even get to eat it.”

“I’ll eat it on the way back to the barn. Let me get this packed up, and I’ll follow you back to the house.”

“I know the way.”

“Yeah, but it looks as if it could pour at any minute, and I’d feel better knowing that I’m with you, just in case.”

“Fine. Let me help you pack up.”

Together we have the tools packed up in no time, and we’re headed back to the house. I eat the sandwich she brought on the way. When I get to the house, I need a shower and my girl. Maybe I’ll even convince her for both at the same time.

It doesn’t take long for the clouds to build and darken. The sunset we just wanted is long since gone and replaced with dark clouds and the threat of storms.

“Go on inside,” I tell McKenna when we get back to the barn. The rain is already sprinkling from the sky. It’s only a matter of time before it unleashes.

“You sure you don’t want help?”

“Nah. I’m going to close up, and I’ll be right behind you.”

“See you inside,” she says, jogging off for the house. I watch her until she makes it to the porch just as the sky unleashes with what seems like buckets of rainfall from the sky.

Putting away all of the tools so I can easily find them the next time I need them, I throw away my empty water bottles from the cooler, and it’s still pouring down rain. I refuse to waste more time out here in the barn when my girl is in the house. Locking up the barn, I make a run for it. By the time I make it to the porch, I’m soaked. I look like I took a dip in the pond. Not wanting to create a pool in the house, I strip down to my boxer briefs.

The front door opens, and McKenna hands me a towel. Before taking it from her hands, I pull my underwear down my legs, dropping them to the pile of wet clothes, before wrapping the towel around my waist.

“Come in here before someone sees you.” She chuckles.

“Mom and Dad can’t see me from their place, and all the farmhands are gone for the day.”

“Still.” She shakes her head.

“What? Are you jealous?”

“No. I mean, it’s your bare ass. You can show it to whoever you want.” She crosses her arms over her chest defiantly.

“You need to work on your poker face, lawyer girl,” I tease. “That scowl gives you away.”

“Fine. I’m not exactly thrilled that anyone could show up and see you in all of your glory.”

“My glory?” I ask, fighting my laughter.

“Get in here.” She tugs on my arm, pulling me into the house and shutting the door behind us.

“Well, you got me in here, now what are you going to do with me?” I ask. Grabbing the towel, I pull it from where I have it tucked around my waist and begin to dry my hair.

Her eyes travel to my dick, and she licks her lips. “Rip.” She closes her mouth as she takes a step closer. When I feel her hand wrap around my dick, I drop the wet towel to the floor.

“I need a shower.”

“You’re all wet,” she says huskily.



“Shower. Now.”

“I’m good,” she says as she strokes me from root to tip.

“Baby, I’m still dripping water all over the floor, and if you keep doing that, the mess is going to be even bigger.”

“You think so?” she asks, running the pad of her thumb over the head of my dick.

“Fuck it.”

She squeals when I bend to lift her into my arms. She lets go of my dick, and I lift her bridal style.

“What are you doing?” she asks, laughing.

“We’re going to shower.”

“Is that how this relationship is going to go? When you want something, you’re just going to manhandle me to seeing things your way?”

“Baby, you can do whatever the hell you want with me once I get you in that shower. I’ve been working outside all day, and I’m a sweaty mess. Give me two minutes to soap up and rinse off, and then I’m all yours.”

“All mine.”

“All yours. Now strip,” I say, entering the bathroom and placing her feet on the floor. Reaching into the shower, Copyright 2016 - 2024