Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,65

to ask him if he wants to call the guys for a beer or something when his phone rings.

“Hey, Corbin, what’s up?” he greets his best friend. There’s a pause. “Nah, Kenna and I just had dinner. We’re just going to chill here.” Rip laughs and shakes his head. “I’m not denying it. She’s prettier to look at,” he says, smiling down at me. “Later,” he says, ending the call.

“What’s Corbin into tonight?”

“Just going to the Silver Star to grab a bite to eat. Wanted me to come down and shoot a game of pool.”

“You should go.”

“I’m good right here.”

“No, really. I was getting ready to tell you that you don’t have to spend all of your time with me. I know you and the guys used to go out a lot, and well, I don’t want that to change because we’re dating.”

“We’re more than dating, and I want to spend every second of my time with you. I’ll still hang out with the guys, but, Kenna, I just got you. I’m not ready to let you go just yet.”

I’m not ready for you to let me go ever.

It’s been a week, and I’m already hooked. He’s charming and generous, and well, he’s one of my best friends. I love spending time with him too.

My phone rings and he leans over, grabbing it from the table and handing it to me. “Hey, Laramie,” I greet my best friend.

“Hey, you. What are you getting into tonight?”

“Nothing much. Rip and I just finished dinner.”

“Cool, let’s go down to the Silver Star for a drink.”

“I think we’re just going to stay in.”

“No. Nope. Not going to happen. Is my brother there with you?”

“He is.”

“Put this call on speaker.”

I hit the button, transferring the call to the phone’s speaker. “Okay,” I tell Laramie.


“Yes, little sister.”

“I have a bone to pick with you.”

“Let’s hear it,” he says, his voice laced with amusement.

“You’re stealing my best friend. I haven’t seen her all week. Every time I call, she’s with you, which isn’t going to work for me. I love the two of you together. Hell, it’s something I’ve always wanted to happen, but you need to listen up. Stop being a McKenna hog.”

Rip bites down on his fist to keep from laughing. “I’m sorry?” he says, only it’s more like a question than a true apology.

“I’ll accept if you bring her to the Silver Star. Colby is coming with me, and Sara and Corbin are going too.”

“I just talked to Corbin. I told him I was out.”

“Well, now I’m telling you that you’re in. Come on, Rip,” she whines. “I had her first.”

“She’s mine, Lara,” he says. There is no teasing in his voice.

“I know, but you have to share. Don’t make me call Mom.”

This time he does laugh. He throws his head back, and the deep grumble is a welcome sound. “Babe, do you want to go to the Silver Star?” he asks me.

“Mac, you better say yes. You know if you do, he’ll come.”

“Sure, we can go.”

“Yes!” Laramie cheers. “No backing out, you two. I mean it. Meet us there in twenty.”

“We’ll see you there,” Rip assures her, ending the call. “Looks like we’re going out after all.”

“I just need to go upstairs and change.”

“Good idea. You cannot go to the Silver Star wearing booty shorts and a tight tank top. I’ll never make it out of there alive.”

“Why’s that?” I ask coyly.

“Because I’ll have to beat the shit out of all of those nasty fuckers trying to move in on my girl.”

“I’ll be right down.”

“Hey, will you grab me a clean shirt while you’re up there?”

“Sure, which one?”

“I don’t care. Just grab one. I’ve got no one to impress. I’ve already got the girl.” He gives me a swift kiss on the lips and releases his hold on me so that I can run upstairs and change.

I admit I’m nervous. This is our first outing as a couple. We’ve stayed in every night this week. Today we cleaned the house, where he complained I was helping, but I stayed here all week, so that’s the least that I could do. We went over to my grandparents’ and had lunch, and I packed a few more things that I needed. We’ve been in a blissful Rip and McKenna bubble, and I don’t know what’s waiting for us outside of his house.

I guess I’m about to find out.

“Finally!” Laramie sighs dramatically. “I didn’t think you’d ever get here.” She tugs on my arms, pulling me Copyright 2016 - 2024