Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,6

tells his sister with zero malice or heat.

“Oh, I’m going to love on him all right.” Laramie laughs when Rip shakes his head.

“Come here you.” Colby slides his arm around her waist and leads them to a chair, where he proceeds to pull her into his lap.

I stand frozen, my arms motionless around Rip, his arms still around me. Neither one of us willing nor ready to break this connection between us.

“I gotta piss,” Corbin states as he clumsily walks toward the front of his truck.

“You all right, man?” Rip asks him. He’s always been the one taking care of our little group.

Corbin waves him off.

“Don’t worry, I have his keys,” Colby tells us.

“McKenna, come sit. I miss you,” my best friend calls over to us.

Rip smiles at me and moves to stand beside me. His entire hand slides up the back of my shirt as he guides me to the lawn chair that’s next to his sister and Colby. He doesn’t move his hand until he takes the chair, and to my surprise, he tugs me down onto his lap. He wraps his strong arms around me, and just like nothing happened, Laramie starts firing off questions, just like she did when I arrived at her parents’ place yesterday afternoon to surprise her.

“Tell me about this bar exam,” she says, snuggling into Colby’s embrace.

“Lara, you just got engaged. I’m sure you don’t want to talk about my boring summer internship.”

“We could talk about that kiss and this.” She points her finger at me, snuggled in her brother’s lap.

I lean forward to stand, but Rip’s hold is firm. “Stay,” he whispers, his lips next to my ear. A shiver races through me from the feel of his hot breath against my skin. Reaching down beside the chair, he grabs my bottle of Boone’s Farm and hands it to me.

“I take the test in two weeks. I can’t actually practice law until I pass, but I’ll still be helping Gramps out at the firm until then. I can do everything but represent a client,” I explain. “I should really be studying right now,” I confess.

“That’s what I thought.” Laramie grins.

“So, how long does it take to get your test results?” Colby asks.

“It just depends. I’ve heard anywhere from six to twelve weeks. I think it depends on how many are taking it at any given time. Right now, there are a lot of graduates, so my guess is closer to twelve weeks.”

“You know you’re going to nail it, right?” Laramie asks.

My shoulders slump. “I hope so.”

Rip's arms tighten around me, and I turn to look at him. I lose my breath when he leans in and kisses my bare shoulder. “You’ve got this, Kenna,” he says softly. His words are just for me, and they make my insides flutter.

Glancing at the bottle of Boone’s Farm in my hands, I place it on the ground. I think I’ve had enough. My mind and my body are starting to play tricks on me. I’m starting to think that Rip might actually be interested. At least for tonight. I could never have just one night with him, so it’s time for me to slow my roll where the alcohol consumption is concerned. Although, that kiss was toe curling, and now he’s holding me. We might have hugged, and not shied away from touching one another growing up, but this is altogether different. He’s never given me any indication that he wants more, but tonight, well, tonight feels like more. I’m terrified to think of this anything other than just being caught up in the moment, and a little bit of alcohol. I’m afraid to let myself want more where he’s concerned.

“I’ve missed you,” Laramie tells me. “I’m so glad you were here for tonight, and you’re going to be here for the wedding.”

“When is the wedding?” I ask, trying to ignore the way Rip’s hand slides up the back of my tank top. The feel of the rough pad of his thumb on my skin is driving me insane. “Well, I’m here for whatever you need,” I tell her before she can respond. Corbin staggers back to the fire, plopping down on the cooler, drawing my attention away for a moment.

“Well, we’re going to have to set a date. Soon.” She turns to smile at her fiancé. “Right, Colbs?”

“Anything you want,” he says, kissing her temple. I know he means exactly that. He will make damn sure that their wedding is everything Laramie ever Copyright 2016 - 2024