Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,59


“We have to talk about this.”

He links his left hand with mine. “I know we do, but right now, all you need to worry about is your grandfather. I’m not going anywhere.” He kisses the back of my hand.

“We can’t just ignore this.”

“Go shower, so we can go see your gramps.” He kisses me quickly, just a peck, and disappears into his closet. He comes out wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a Callahan Farm T-shirt. He smiles at me softly, points to the bathroom, and disappears.

I lie here in his bed, listening as his footsteps carry him down the stairs. I feel as though I’m in a different universe. He can’t seriously think that us being together because of one night is a good idea. My parents were together for months and when I came along, it all came crashing down. We can’t rush into this. Ugh. Tossing off the covers, I see my suitcase at the end of the bed and dig out some clothes.

In the bathroom, the hot spray does wonders for my aching shoulders. I’m never drinking again. Ever. The pounding in my head is reason enough. However, if I needed one more, it would be that I slept with Rip and can’t remember it. That’s not something I would ever want to forget. I take my time in the shower, enjoying the spray of the jets and the massage they’re providing. My mind goes to Rip and our night together. I hate to admit it, but I’m disappointed that I don’t remember our first time. Not because of the meaning of the night. However, I do wish I could remember what it felt like to have him hover over me, all those muscles, my hands roaming his body as he pushes inside me. I shake out of the thought. My first time with him and my drunk ass can’t remember it.

He’s saying that we’re together every chance he gets, and I want that. I want it more than anything, but I also don’t want this to be rushed. I don’t want either of us to have regrets in this, and I don’t ever want to feel as though I’m his obligation. I know that I need to get out of my own head, and I know without a shadow of a doubt Maggie would tell me the same thing. I need to call her. Sure it’s a thrill to hear him refer to me as his girlfriend. It would be even more so if it were true. If only I knew how to get through his thick skull that he has no obligation to me. We slept together, that doesn’t mean he has to go all in. I know he thinks he’s ready, but it’s only been a few weeks. Things are happening at a rapid pace, and I just want to slow them down a little. I hate to admit it, but I might need Laramie’s help. I’m going to have to call her as soon as she gets home. Her text told me they were flying home today, cutting their trip short as well. I hate that for them, but I love her for it all the same.

I need my best friend.

Realizing I’ve been in here way longer than necessary, I shut off the water and step out. I make quick work of drying off and getting dressed. I rummage under the sink to find a hairdryer and do a quick dry of my hair before pulling it back into a ponytail. I don’t bother with makeup, knowing we’re going to the hospital, and the way my emotions are all over the place with Gramps and now this thing with Rip, it’s hard to tell when the tears will flow, but I’m pretty sure they will. That’s just how the day feels it might pan out.

When I make it to the bottom of the steps, the smell of bacon fills my senses. I love bacon! Turning the corner, I see Rip standing at the counter, assembling what looks like bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches. “Hey, babe. Feel better?” he asks.

“Much. That smells good.”

He grins at me. “I know they’re one of your favorites. I thought it might help you feel better.”

I watch as he cuts the sandwich in half, adds some plain potato chips and a pickle spear to the paper plate, and slides it across the counter to me. “Thank you.” I wait for him to finish his own plate and Copyright 2016 - 2024