Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,4

what Laramie is mumbling about. My hands are sweaty, but I know if I wipe them on my jeans, Corbin will call me out. That fucker never misses anything. Hence the reason we’re performing this little charade. I made the mistake of telling him how good she looked yesterday, and well, now here we are.

My reluctance has nothing to do with being a pussy, or being scared. It’s not because I think McKenna has cooties. I mentally roll my eyes with that one. No, it’s because I’ve had a thing for my sister’s best friend for years. She was the first girl I ever kissed, and tonight, she’s too fucking tempting. Her long brown hair cascades down her back. Those short cutoff jean shorts that make her legs look incredible and that tank top that does nothing to hide the impressive tits that live just below the surface of the fabric. I’m hesitant because I’m not sure once my lips touch hers that I’ll be able to stop. I’ve been fighting this for a long damn time.

At first, I wanted to wait until she graduated. I’m two years older than her, and I thought that was the right thing to do. Then she announced she was accepted to Harvard for prelaw with the dreams of following in her grandpa’s footsteps. Telling her then would have only caused pain for both of us. No way was I going to interfere with her living her dream. This time she’s home for good. She’s back, and I’m not sure I have the willpower to resist her.

“You nervous?” Corbin smirks.

“Terrified,” I say, deadpan. That’s not the truth, but not a complete lie either. I’m cautious. That’s a better way to describe it.

“Yo, Lara, you ready?” Corbin calls out.

“Colby, you have to walk her down the aisle,” Laramie calls back.

“I thought this was a reenactment. That didn’t happen.” I know, because even though I was nine years old, that’s one of my most vivid memories of my childhood. That day I kissed McKenna Dawson on the lips is the day I realized she wasn’t just my little sister's best friend.

“Ready,” Laramie calls out.

I’m staring off into the darkness of the night, trying to keep my shit together, when I feel an elbow in my side. “Dude, you’re supposed to only have eyes for your wife,” Corbin tells me. His eyes are glassy, but he’s not too far gone to not know what he’s doing. With a roll of my eyes for him, I turn toward the fire and watch as Colby walks McKenna around the flames, stopping just before she gets to me. My hands tremble to touch her.

McKenna is all smiles as she links her arm with mine and glances up at me. “You ready, handsome?” she asks in a Southern drawl that’s not her own.

“Shh,” Corbin scolds before I can reply. He clears his throat and begins. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Rip Callahan and McKenna Dawson in holy matrimony.” He yammers on with random words that I’m not entirely sure are involved in a wedding. I’ve been to a few, but usually, I check out after the first line until the “you may kiss the bride” portion of the event. That’s usually my cue that it’s time for drinks. Even if I wanted to pay attention, I wouldn’t be able to, though. Not with her on my arm like she is.

“Rip, do you take McKenna to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

I’m looking down at her, and she’s looking up at me. The glow of the fire dances in her brown eyes. She takes my breath away, and I’m finding it hard to breathe.

“Rip, buddy. You’re supposed to say, ‘I do,’” Corbin whispers, but we can all hear him.

I swallow hard. My eyes never leaving hers. “I do.”

“McKenna, do you take Rip to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Corbin repeats the question. My hair that’s now hanging just below my ears blows into my eyes. McKenna raises her hand and tucks it behind my ear. Once she’s finished, her palm rests against my cheek. “I do,” she whispers.

This feels real.


“By the power vested in me, by the bonfire gods and the state of Texas—” Corbin laughs at himself “—I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

I don’t hesitate to bend my head and press my lips to hers briefly. Way too briefly before I’m pulling away. I need to maintain control. I can’t devour her Copyright 2016 - 2024