Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,36

knows that.

“Mom’s having us all over for dinner tomorrow night, and the four of us are going to gang up on her.” He laughs.

“Ah, so your brother knows his future wife pretty well then.” It’s going to take some convincing for Laramie to believe that she’s needed, and the job isn’t just being handed to her.

“No offense, but we all know that your sister is bull-headed.” He shrugs.

“True story.”

“What are you two gossiping about?” my sister asks, appearing beside our booth.

“Nothing much. What are you doing here?” I look around the bar for McKenna. They’re supposed to be hanging out tonight.

“Stopped to grab some wings to go. We’re having a girls’ night at Mac’s.”

I nod. I guess she doesn’t know that I already knew that information. I texted McKenna today and asked her if she had plans. I had no qualms canceling on Corbin to see her.

“What’s my brother doing?” Corbin asks her.

“When I left the house, he was ready to fall asleep on the couch,” she says with a smile. “He works too hard.”

“We need help,” Corbin says. This conversation couldn’t have played into his hand better if he tried.

“Yeah, I hate seeing him drained like this. Oh, not to change the subject, but have you seen the forecast? Thunderstorms all day tomorrow.”

My stomach falls. We were supposed to spend another day at the lake. “No. I hadn’t heard.” I try not to let the disappointment show. At the same time, my mind is racing with ideas to see McKenna. “We should just get together at my place anyway.” Normally, I’d keep up on the weather for my job, but all I can seem to focus on is McKenna. Thankfully we have excellent farmhands to keep the place in line while I’m distracted.

“You sure?”

I shrug as if I’m indifferent when I’m anything but. “Why not? I have the spare bedroom, and the couch in the living room, and the recliner. I can even dig the air mattress out if we need it.”

My little sister gives me a knowing grin. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll spread the word. You two be safe. Call me if I need to give either of you a ride home.” With a side hug for each of us, she’s out the door.

Corbin grins. “She didn’t even know I was planting the seed.” His smirk tells me that he’s proud of himself. It’s good that he mentioned them needing help without coming out and suggesting she do it.

I just shake my head. “That’s what it’s going to take. At least she sees Colby exhausted, and I’m sure he’s complained about the office work. You all might just get lucky. It might not be as hard as I originally thought to get her to work for you.”

Corbin nods. “She’s family. She belongs there as much as Colbs and I do.”

Call me sentimental, or maybe it’s all of these feelings seeing McKenna and spending time with her has brought to the surface, but his words pull at the strings of my heart. I love my little sister, and my best friend, and his brother. They’re family to me too. Knowing my sister is marrying into a family who’s going to be good to her and treat her right is comforting.

We finish eating and shoot the shit for another half an hour or so before we both head home. Alone. I want to call McKenna just to hear her voice, but I refrain. Instead, I curl up in bed and drift off to sleep, thinking about her.

“Well, gang, it’s been fun, but I gotta bounce,” Corbin says, standing from his spot at the dining room table.

“Where are you headed?” Colby asks.

A glance at the clock on the wall tells me it’s just after ten on Saturday night. The forecast was correct, and it’s been pouring rain since early this afternoon. Everyone arrived a little before six. My sister and McKenna made a ton of snack food, and it looks more like we’re having a Super Bowl party rather than a casual get-together. Every surface of my kitchen is covered with food.

“Hot date.” He wags his eyebrows.

“Come on now,” Colby gives him shit. “Let’s call a spade a spade.”

“Fine. I might be meeting up with Sara to keep her company.”

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” McKenna teases.

Corbin aims his index finger at her. “You’re lucky I’ve missed you,” he says with an easy smile. “Besides, everyone is coupled up.” He motions to where Laramie and Colby Copyright 2016 - 2024