Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,26

on me. Your grams will have me sleeping on the couch, and I didn’t get married to sleep alone, Mac.” He winks at me and smiles his familiar smile.

Gramps is one of those people who loves with his entire heart. He refuses to go to bed angry, and my grams is the moon and the stars in his eyes. He loves her fiercely and with a passion I’ve only witnessed between them. I dream of finding a man who loves me half as much as Gramps loves Gram.

She’s the same with him.

Sure, I’ve seen them argue, but they’re always respectful with one another, and no matter what the argument, the love between them is undeniable.

“Why don’t you go out and get some fresh air? Call your friends and see if they want to do something? Get you out of this house and away from these books for a little while,” Gramps suggests.

“You trying to get rid of me, old man?” I place my hands on my hips and try to glare at him, but it’s impossible. We both know there’s zero heat behind my words.

“I know what law school is like. I also know what the stress and worry over the bar exam are like. Trust me on this. Getting out of the house will do you some good. Clear your mind.”

“Actually, Gram was saying the same thing. Laramie called, and we’re going to dinner tonight.”

“Wonderful. Here.” He reaches into his wallet and hands me some cash. “Tonight is on me. Tell Laramie I said to show you a good time.”

“This is Laramie we’re talking about. That’s a given.” I laugh. “Thank you, Gramps. I love you.” I kiss his cheek.

“Never a dull moment when that one’s around,” Gram says affectionately.

“Definitely not,” I say, thinking about my best friend. I’ll never forget the day we met, and we’ve been joined at the hip ever since. She’s more than my best friend. She’s my sister, and it has nothing to do with how I feel about her brother.

It’s early afternoon, and after an hour of studying, I need a break. I still have hours before I meet Laramie for dinner, so I decide to see what Grams is doing. Tossing my books to the side, I make my way downstairs, following the noise to the kitchen. Gram is frosting what looks like a cake. “You need some help?” I ask Gram.

“Oh, I think I’m good, but I would love the company.” She smiles.

“Who’s the cake for? It’s adorable.” I point to the bear cake she’s working on.

“Oh, Sally Henson’s little girl. She’s turning three tomorrow.”

“Are you staying busy with your cakes and pies and whatnot?” I ask, pulling up a stool at the island. I’ve been so lost in my world of studying that I feel like I’ve been neglecting them.

“I am. I’ve even had to turn people away, and you know I hate that.”

“That’s great. I’m so happy for you. I know you were nervous starting up your own business, but you’re doing amazing.”

“Don’t go making me blush.” She smiles warmly.

“Are you sure there isn’t anything that I can help you with?”

“No. You work too much as it is.”

“I’m taking a break, remember,” I remind her.

“Yes, and do you know what taking a break means?” She raises her eyebrows, making me laugh.

“Fine, but I feel useless. It’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to just sit with nothing to do.”

“Well, I do need to drop this cake off and run to the store for supplies. Would you like to ride along?”

“I’m your girl, Gran.”

“That you are.” She smiles. We spend the next twenty minutes chatting while she finishes the cake. I miss being home.

“Thank you for your help. I’m going to box this up, and I’ll be ready.” She points to the bear cake.

“It’s too cute.” I smile at her before dashing up the stairs.

“This is a haul,” I tell Grams as we pull into the driveway. The entire back of her van is full of baking supplies. After delivering the cake, we made her weekly run for supplies. I didn’t expect the van to be loaded to max capacity. I was thinking a couple bags of flour and sugar, but no, we bought fifty-pound bags instead.

“I know.” She grins.

“Is it like this every time you go shopping for supplies?”

“It is.”

“I hate that you’re lugging all this by yourself.”

“Oh, I don’t. Not usually. Rip usually stops by to help. Your grandfather swears he didn’t put him up Copyright 2016 - 2024