Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,13

right. Is there anything you want to do?”

“I need to study for the bar exam.”

“Today?” he asks, and is that disappointment that I hear?

“I should.”

“Kenna.” He leans in and presses his lips to my forehead. “Give me today. I promise I’ll do whatever I can the next two weeks to help you study, but I just… you’re here, and I’m not ready to give you back to books just yet.”

“You gave me up to books, did you?” I tease.

Something crosses his face, but he quickly masks it. “I missed you. Please.” He juts out his lip in a pout, which is needless. He had me at “I’m not ready to give you back to books.”

“Fine. One more day, but if I fail, it’s on you.” I point at him, trying to sound stern when we both know I’m anything but.

“Thank you.” He leans in and presses a kiss to my lips. I didn’t know what to expect in the light of day. It certainly wasn’t more kisses, and him holding me as if I’m precious to him. “And taking a break will help clear your head. What would you like to do? Anything you’ve been wanting to do?” His hand on my back pulls me a little closer, which is fine with me. I don’t think I’ll ever be close enough to him to meet my satisfaction.

“Not specifically other than just relax. That’s not something I’ve done much of the last five years,” I confess.

His brow furrows. “Tell me what you want to do, baby. Whatever it is, as long as it’s not studying, I’ll make it happen.”

I’m able to pretend to not be affected. I pretend that lying here in his arms, his kisses, and his whispered terms of endearment aren’t affecting me. This isn’t us. We’ve always been close. There’s not much to do in small-town Texas, and since his sister is my best friend, we naturally became close as well. Not this close. Not the kissing kind of close. A hug here or there and a hand offered to help me out of the truck or off a stump sitting around a bonfire, not sharing kisses that leave me breathless, and not sleeping in each other’s arms.

This is new for us.

I don’t hate it.

I just don’t know what it means.

“You hungry?” he asks.

“Yes. And I need a shower and a toothbrush.”

“You can use my shower, and there are spare toothbrushes I get from the dentist in the bottom drawer.”

“I uh… just assumed I would go home for those things. I need clean clothes.” Something crosses over his face but leaves just as quickly as it appeared.

“You could do that,” he says cautiously. “Or I could give you some of the clothes that Laramie leaves here for nights like this. You shower while I make you breakfast.”

“Rip, you don’t have to do that. You already took care of me and let me stay here last night.”

“Neither of those things were a hardship, Kenna.” His eyes are soft as he waits for my answer.

Kenna. He’s the only person who calls me that. Everyone else uses my full name or calls me Mac. Rip is the only one, and I’ll admit being here with him, hearing the name only he calls me rolling off his lips, is affecting me more than it should. I’ve really missed him.

“You sure?”

“Spending more time with you? Yes, beautiful, I’m sure.” His chocolate eyes are watching me intently, waiting for my reply.

“Depends. What are you making for breakfast?” I ignore the fact he called me beautiful. That’s new as well. This softer side of Rip is not something I’m used to. He’s always been nice to me, but this… this is an all-new level.

“Anything you want,” he counters.

I pretend to be thinking about what I want when I already know what sounds good. “Pancakes and bacon. Extra crispy.”

“Deal.” He pulls me close and kisses my forehead. “Go shower. I’ll send Laramie in with some clothes.”

“What’s she going to think? I mean, I slept in your bed. Now I’m showering in your bathroom, and you’re making me breakfast.” I know Laramie isn’t going to say a word, except maybe encourage me to go for it. She knows I used to think the sun rose and set with her brother. She’s always had this theory that Rip and I would live happily ever after, and we could be sisters. At least she used to.

Rip throws the covers off and climbs out of bed. I watch as he Copyright 2016 - 2024