Forever After All - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,10

her that I think she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.

“Yeah, not really. I’m a country girl through and through. It’s all Ivy league sweater vest types, and that’s just not my thing.” Her nose scrunches up, and I wrangle with the idea of pressing my lips there.

The tension in my gut releases. “You can take the girl out of the country,” I say, making her smile.

She shifts so that she’s lying on her side, and I do the same. “I don’t really fit in there, not like I do here. Everyone is so uptight, and it’s just not me. However, their law program is outstanding, and my education was important. I wanted to be the best lawyer that I can be.”

“You’re happy to be home?” I know the answer. I heard her talking to Laramie about it earlier, but I want her to tell me too. I need to hear her say it. Something primal in me needs to hear her say she’s home to stay.

“Yes,” she agrees. “I’ve missed this place so much. The people,” she whispers, looking up at me. “Anyway, Gramps is ready to retire. Although, I hope I can work side by side with him for a little while at least.”

“You’re going to be a kickass attorney,” I say, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

“You think so?” A lazy smile tilts her lips.

“I know so.”

“What makes you so sure?” There’s a vulnerability in her voice that I didn’t expect.

“Come on now. You know my wife wouldn’t be anything but kickass in everything she does.”

“Stop.” She giggles, swatting at my arm playfully.

I grab her hand and lace her fingers with mine. “Real talk, McKenna, you’re amazing.” From the way her eyes widen, we both know I’m no longer talking about her career choice.

She opens her mouth to speak, but no words fill the air between us. Our eyes are locked in this intense stare that has me feeling all kinds of things that I wasn’t prepared to feel. I’ve always had a thing for her, but this is on another level.

Want. Need. Desire. Longing.

Her hand breaks away from mine, and she reaches up to run her fingers through my hair. “It’s long.” She smiles.


“What made you grow it out?”

“It just kind of happened, really. I needed a haircut, but I was working on the house, and between that and running the farm during the day, I just didn’t have time. It started to grow, and I decided to just let it stay long.”

“Let me guess, chicks dig it?”

“Not sure. There’s only one I’m worried about.”

“Oh.” Her demeanor changes. “I didn’t realize you were seeing someone.”

“I’m not.” Reaching out, I place my hand on the small of her back and pull her closer. “There is someone,” I say, my voice sounding husky even to my own ears. I know I should stop now. I shouldn’t be touching her like this, but I can’t. Not when she’s here in my house. In my bed. In my arms. I know that she’s been drinking, and I’m not trying to take advantage of her, but damn, she feels good lying next to me.

“Rip.” My name rolling off her tongue is the sweetest sound I’ve ever heard. Her voice is filled with desire, and I have no choice but to assume that her desire is for me.

“How drunk are you, McKenna?” I ask.


“Do you know where you are?”


“Tell me.”

“I’m at your house.”

“Whose bed are you in?”


Resting my palm against her cheek, I gently trace her bottom lip with my thumb. “Can I kiss you, McKenna?”

“You want to kiss me?”

I lean in a little closer. Our mouths are now barely a breath apart. “More than anything.”

“Am I dreaming?” she asks as her eyes flutter closed. Her tongue sneaks out and wets her lips.

“Open your eyes, beautiful.” I wait as her eyes slowly open. “This isn’t a dream, but you’re a damn dream come true.” Tired of wasting time, I close the breath’s distance and press my lips to hers.

Her lips are subtle and soft, just as they were earlier. I didn’t have the time to appreciate them then, but now I do, and I plan to do just that. I want to appreciate the hell out of her. I could kiss her for hours and be perfectly content. Her hand grips my arm as if she’s worried I’ll pull away. Not a chance. I need more.

Cautiously, I trace her lips with my tongue, asking for entrance. Copyright 2016 - 2024