Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,98

Director gave rooms to house them while you go through backgrounds and meet with them.”

Alder nods once. “Good to have close. Readers meet and reject three. No problem...” he looks at me. “Obvious show?”

“Outward.” With his hand wave I explain to the Marine. “Nothing showed outwardly but they have issues with women. Their thoughts were a problem. Three out of the hundred you sent were a surprise. Did you have them screened?”

Baxter laughs. “He did. I met them myself with two readers.”

That’s surprising. I nod and look at Alder. “DOJ help Alpha-Bits?” Alder freezes after he asks.

Baxter nods. “I am doing what I can, Brother.” He looks at me. “Is he okay?”

I nod. “He’s running through something.”

“My mom does that too. Will he follow what we’re saying?”

How weird. “Yeah. He’s going to ask about citizenship.”

Baxter gives a look that answers before he does. “I can’t do that one but did talk to Commander Perez. He will be here today.”

“He know citizenship?” Alder asks.

Baxter nods. “He said a Letter of No Record can be used with doctor proof of examination. We have the files for proof of post natal care issued by doctors. We can search birth records to find no proof of a birth certificate then issue US passports to the Alpha-Bits. I have a friend in the Bureau of Consular Affairs that will come here, issue and sign the passports after the birth record search is done.”

Alder looks at me with tears in his eyes. “We citizen? Passport citizen?”

I lift him. “You’ll be an American with a passport as proof, Brother. The government will recognize you.”

Baxter isn’t finished. “You, Alexia and Michael too, Web. Perez said he’ll be honored to fill out the forms for the Alpha-Bits.”

“I have a certificate. Doesn’t Alexia? Wouldn’t Michael?” My certificate comes with a name that isn’t mine now.

“No, Michael was reported deceased at seven. Alexia has no records. Her employment was under a WITSEC number. There is no record of a Web Ford. The Director has Letters of No Record signed for all of you. With them, you can get a passport issued. He thought you’d want to do it with the Alpha-Bits.”

I nod automatically. I’ll really be Web Ford with my brother Michael Ford.

Alder laughs. “We exist, Web.”

I smile at my little Brother. “We will. A whole family of Fords.” I hug my newest brother. We’ll be a real family. It never mattered before, but today I feel it. Alder hugs me back. He does too.

Baxter and the Marine laugh. Cort comes over with Falcon, Commander Saber, Commander Perez and Ford. I hug Perez with Alder still on my arm. “Thank you.”

He nods and steps back. “It will be an honor to take care of the paperwork for the Alpha-Bits.”

I look at Alder getting a nod. “New and old with injection file get passport. No lab file of injection to Alpha-Bit sold to CIA. How to get passport?”

Perez nods. “The CIA buying kids was brought up in a meeting at the White House. Passports will be issued to kids sold to the CIA with documentation of the sale being turned over to the DOJ and proof of residence established in the US. We have an order Commander Saber will tell you about to help establish that residency.”

Alder gives his one nod. “Thank you, Commander Perez.” He looks at Saber.

The Commander smiles. “We’ll explain when everyone is here.”

Alder wiggles and I set him down. “I understand your patience words. Acknowledgement to Alpha-Bits exist, feels good. I honor to be acknowledged. I talk Boss Danny to help Down syndrome room one military family.”

The Commanders are surprised. I nod to Alder. Cort smiles when he runs to the table. “Down syndrome room?” the Marine asks.

Falcon answers. “I went with him for the second meet in Nevada. The readers had already approved the troops so Cort agreed Alder could go down with his Security. A sergeant asked about the school having accommodations for his kid. Alder said he’d take care of it. They do it now with other kids in the virtual classes. I guess he wants accommodations for the house too.”

The Marine shakes his head. “I didn’t know accommodations needed to be met.”

Cort shakes his head. “To Alder it wouldn’t matter. They do virtual classes and anything needed will be supplied. He doesn’t miss shit. He’ll have the house, travel, food and probably medical handled for everyone on the compound. Being different isn’t seen as a problem to him or anyone here.”

The Marine nods looking Copyright 2016 - 2024