Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,88

like he is now so it’s not your job. This has got to be the CIA shit storm being cleaned up or the military wouldn’t be stepping into the fight. They’re deploying on US soil. There’s a reason for that.”

Alder nods. “Blowback?”

It’s Justice that answers. “BSC can handle the government and do. This is local shit that isn’t going to be a problem for us and nets higher military in our corner. The local shit is minor annoyances. We have training programs that cover all Security, weapons, shifts and aerial legally. They have no problem with legal and are out of the Club shit we have going on.”

Cort nods. “I’m in with whatever you decide, Brother.”

Alder nods. “I take with approval of men. I need readers.” He waits for Justice to nod. “Government knowledge help Alexia show us keys. More moves Badass forward.” He shrugs. “Maybe they help find more Alpha-Bits.” He smiles. “I can hope.”

I laugh. “You never know, the government is crazy, Brother.” They made the fucking mess, they should help clean it up. It’s not normal for the government but it could be the start. New is never easy to accept.

Justice moves to a console and gets an office up. “That’s the arm guy with him. They both gave their word. Kaleb said the Marine fought and hand-delivered shit to the DOJ to investigate.”

Alder nods and stands. “Pres Cort, you stand to me, my Web, Boss Justice?”

Cort nods. “You're never alone, Brother. We’re all standing with you.”

Alder nods. “Timer one minute.”

Justice types and I watch to see how they do this shit. It’s a timer hooked to the logo. Too fucking simple. Weird.

The two men fix collars and check their jackets. I smile wondering what Princes saw with us. The counter times out and the Marine nods. “I know you as Alder the only seven alive. I find the words offensive. Do you prefer another name?” He’s not talking to us, I’m glad he addresses Alder.

“I am Alder Ford. I take Web name with my Brothers. Here, I am Little Pres, President to Alpha-Bits. My Brothers, Cort Masters President BSC West, Badass Phoenix Rising Club. Web Ford, IT to BSC West, all MC Badass. Boss Justice Laponte-James-Lightfoot, second BSC West, member Bravo Rising, Princes of Prophecy. You know we have threat to us only hours after. How?”

The Marine looks at the Navy guy. “A call from Commander Saber with ID in two bodies you have from that threat. The Commander is demanding answers. As FBI, he’s entitled to them. This was two former officers that signed onto, then were released from the FBI. They’ve been identified in the CIA investigation overseas. They brought that threat here to the US.”

Alder nods. “Threat is to Alpha-Bits. You recognize Alpha-Bits US citizen?”

The Marine guy takes a breath. “This could be a problem. We don’t have the authority to grant citizenship to anyone. The investigation is ongoing. Chances are it will be thrown out in some committee investigation or another and never make it to a hearing. The government diverted funds to the Alpha-Bits without acknowledging wrongdoing or citizenship. We know different. You gave us the proof. We can’t make you citizens, we can protect the funding we dispersed. It’s a flimsy loophole but the only one we have.”

Alder nods cutting him off. “I accept security to keep funding to government disbursement safe. I approve all military deployed to Alpha-Bit security zone or no step to land. Military live to compound I build using only Alpha-Bit, Badass supply, food, service. No military supply to men deployed. Pres Cort own gun, ammunition to provide to you. Bill to room board monthly. We use solar, our clean water collector, grown food to us. Cheap expenses. You agree?”

The Navy guy looks at the Marine. “Families.”

Alder nods. “Compound to family. I need number, family home, bunk house, single sleep quarter. Alpha-Bits build virtual school to kids. Compound out of Alpha-Bit safe zone.”

“You’ll build a school? What about amenities?”

“He’ll have communities set up for them, normal stores and restaurants. The point he’s making is the government did this, he’s making sure the security you’re offering isn’t going to get him or our Brothers killed. They’ve been trying for months now. The threats are getting closer and more deadly. We could use the help on security for them but can’t afford to let our guard down. The men last night were fucking military. We lost a Brother to a try on the Alpha-Bits. They feel that, we Copyright 2016 - 2024