Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,83


I nod. “It does. It’s a way to attract a mate and scare predators.”

He smiles. “Safe, happy.”

Alexia laughs. “That sounds right, Cai.”

I paddle us back in before the little Bs start getting brave. The fire pit is lit and music is on. I love the dancing Bits. Stella has juice for us when we make it close. I sit with the Bs and help them get more in than on them.

Allen has the new bits watching a video. Alexia goes right to them. “I don’t know the song but can’t wait to learn this new dance.”

I smile watching her learn. Garren and Michael join in when they get the steps down. Michael is getting better on his feet. I’ll have to mention it to Alder. He had him in a new therapy. It’s working.

I dance with my girl, talk to the Alpha-Bits and explain the testing to Stella. It’s a great night. I love seeing everyone relaxed and happy. Alexia points out we haven’t heard the cool chant. My mouth hits her lips before anyone hears the word.

Chapter Eleven

Two days


My phone lets off a long beep. I’m up throwing clothes on when she turns over. “Lexi, get to the safe room. Second Alpha-Bit bunk room.”

“Second bunk room.” She’s up and moving. Yesterday’s clothes with no panties. There’s a sight to remember. I’m glad she’s not wasting time.

This is good. I wish I knew why it’s needed. “Yeah, any bottom bunk, hand on the picture, roll through to the safe room. Move quick so the other Alpha-Bits can get through.”

She nods pulling her backpack on and moves toward the door. “Boots, baby.”

She bends slipping yesterday’s socks on with her boots. I pull my coat on and walk her slowly down the hall with my gun pointed down. Lights are flashing but I hear no noise. Stella shows with Seth behind her. She points and signs. ‘Tunnel guards found. Kids heading to safe room. Bugs on doors where even I see them.’

I nod and move Lexi closer to her. With a quick kiss, Lexi holds Stella’s hand and gives me a nod. She’s scared but dealing. I wish I could stay with them.

I follow Seth to the Ops room at a cautious run. Alder, Allen and Alta are here. Cort is on the board with voice to text. I read what’s happening. Three tunnel guards found dead. Jesus Christ. Brekan and Maverick have choppers on the way, Raid is two out. Sheila, Tats and Nova are out there keeping the threat away from us in Ops. Pulling tracking, I look for the new Alpha-Bits, Michael and Garren. They’re in the safe room.

I type to Alder seeing it show on the board. “Security?”

“Three Team to house. Two tunnel. Prospect to safe room, Michael, Garren. Three team no contact? Tunnel guard added no team. No talk, type.”

I nod and type. “Alta, Allen, throw the sensors so we can follow who is moving where.”

They type a roger and infrared shows the house on our boards. “Low cameras, all down.” Alder types.

I see it. “Tunnels down. Sensors show. Follow movement. I’ll follow cameras. Three Security teams have to be somewhere. Whoever is in must be jamming but the jammers aren’t covering everything. Body cams will show for the ones we have moving. Alta, get the body cams.”

Cort is nodding. He signs earpiece. Fuck. I reach and put the earpiece in. “Sorry, it’s not my usual.” I type out.

“Keep me up. Akai and Amal are on their way, Brother.”

I nod and type while looking for anything in rooms we have cameras high. Shots sounding way too fucking close have me jumping.

“Bosses Stella, Alexia!!!!!” Alder types.

I look. What the fuck? Why aren't they in the safe room? “Fucking woman,” Seth whispers. He’s up and I stop him.

“Who are they shooting? Where are the guns pointed?” I whisper.

He shrugs and Cort stops him. “He’s right. If they’re between the Ops room and the women, you could get them killed. Tats, Sheila and Nova are out there.”

Seth stops and breathes deep. The body cams come up and I’m searching. I point to the bottom of the screen. Stella is in gear. Her camera shows Sheila moving them close to the Ops hall. Allen runs.

“Wait until they hit the door, Allen.” Cort is pissed.

Allen nods and stands ready to open the door. I go back to the feeds. Oh shit. I type quick. “Two, Alder. Hobby area, northwest and southwest. They’re pointing guns down to the main room. Snipers?” Jesus. Alexia, Copyright 2016 - 2024