Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,78

but they have it on memos and shit Web has on the boards from before that. With the firings and shake up there, I want to say it ended. I don’t feel that.”

Justice sits straight. “What he said and it’s not over with the CIA. They aren’t the CIA though. I worked with Alder last night. The files are full of results but not from the Alpha-Bits. The pussies are half human or something.”

Alder stands. “Enhance to grown men. New identity, muscle growth, bone solidify, vision enhance, brain fast. Same to muscular enhance Alpha-Bits. Different result. Stunt growth solidify bone. Die too much enhance injection. Deteriorate brain function, not enhance. Ops, one subject eye same to VP Jinx.” He sits and waits.

Ben looks at Justice. “He was a cyborg like the movies. There is no way he was normal. He hit harder and faster. I barely kept from getting my head slammed into the block wall. He moved as fast as I did with his legs, Prez.”

Ben nods. “The not CIA. The enhanced we saw guarding aren’t running experiments on themselves.”

I sit up. “It started as CIA. This is hidden Op programs called experimental. They were supposed to be closed down almost thirty years ago. Since then, new programs in different names show with the same operatives. I keep getting the same names without ties to the CIA now. They show no record of being employed by the government, I mean.”

Justice nods. “No, a doctor and agents. They aren’t agents for the US anymore. I don’t show who the employer is. The doctor is in all three files. I want to follow his movements so we see where else he goes. I haven’t had time. I asked Aquyá to run him last night. The feeling I get is the same as Teller. We’re not done with the CIA and Alexia is being covered by the Director. He’s never talked to her so I don’t get why.”

Cort shakes his head. “She’s his. He’s protected her for years, kept her sheltered where she’s safe. She’s out of his reach and he’s trying to get word to us that she has a threat we don’t know. It’s tied to these Ops somehow. It would be great if he picked up the fucking phone and explained.”

Ben smiles. “That never happens. What do you want to do here?”

“Web, Alexia, Alder, they all need a fucking minute to catch up with the changes they’ve lived through over the last month. They’re nonstop seven days a week. They need this time. Something is telling me to cover them. Raid is at his house. They have eight teams, three Prospects and I have extra guards on the tunnels heading up now. I don’t know what more to do, but they need the time.”

“Teller, Seth and Kyler?” Justice throws out.

Ben shakes his head no. “Stella loses her team.”

I turn to Cort. “Send her. Alexia won’t care, she can stay and her team wouldn’t be odd there. Someone will have to double up. The normal sized furniture isn’t in all rooms.”

Justice nods. “That will work. She wants to see how the new are trained and tested.”

“I get Boss Stella to test. I free to show Brotherhood to others.” Alder makes me smile.

Teller nods. “It would work, she’ll go if she knows she’ll be working.”

Christian throws out. “Sheila is going.”

Ben nods. “That’s another Enforcer with them. Sheila has a thing with kids.”

Cort looks at Justice. “Sheila threw relief. I’m saying it’s good. This keeps Teller on the original plan.” Justice has me relaxing.

“Okay, Brekan will have choppers and Flight Crews on alert at the MC and Delta. What do we have for anything else?”

Brantley answers. “We have so much shit to wade through nothing is jumping out. The boards are growing and Alexia isn’t working today.”

I nod. “I gave what I have. The techs are all on the threat. They don’t know what we do so we need Leads following their work. Akai, Amal and Anton are staying. They’re all Leads. Aaron, Brody, Asa, even Juan and Maddox jumped on the boards when they saw the new Alpha-Bits. You’ll get information fast, if the others follow, it will be crazy fast.”

Brantley shakes his head. “They weren’t working before?”

I laugh with Cort, Raid, Falcon and Justice. He’s serious and watching me so I shake my head no for him. He looks at Ben. “I may need help.”

“I’ll work at night, Brother. You’re not alone here. You have Jason and Billy right here. Copyright 2016 - 2024