Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,73

lessons too. I would have been a better father and President if I had asked.”

Alder shakes his head. “Here, hundred Alpha-Bits, me work, Doctor, IT, Flight, architect. Web, Asa, Pres Cort, Brothers send chat where I need see. Hologram board to Alpha-Bit problem from Officer. You have Brother forget you not God. You need heads-up. I just Alder, Alpha-Bit, Brother with help to help more.”

Ben leans closer to him. “You think so? I get input from everyone, but it’s only when I ask. No one ever tells me what’s going on except Alex. They used to talk to me all the time.”

I can see that. “It’s the reading thing. I bet they figure you just read it.” That’s new here so we always talk. I could see people just assuming he reads everything. He’s Ben Knight. That’s a name and a half to carry.

Alder nods. “Justice say he try not read everything. They know you not read, they talk.”

Ben nods. “I’ll tell them all. Someone should have clued me in. I went to Christian, Dakota and Aiyana. When I got to Jeremy, he rolled his eyes. He said Justice told me Phoenix and Aquyá weren’t going to run the crew. They aren’t in the right positions. If he’d talk more, I would have gotten more. Jacob was training in New Jersey.”

Not in the right positions. “You positioned them?”

“Jeremy did years ago. He had the three and the Protector of the three. Justice, Teller and Mucimi were one. Phoenix, Aquyá and Chance were another.”

Chance? “The blond Brother on the plane. He reads and saw Alpha-Bits die?” I surprise him.

“Yeah. He came with some of the first.”

I nod. The FBI, IT and a reader. “Does he move like Mucimi?”

“No, he has some developmental issues that stops that. He barely talks. He can throw thoughts and is fucking eerie with accuracy in planning.”

IT, FBI, planning. “You have the three in the wrong places. What did you think Justice?”

“They were never really part of the crew. They’re the best workers of that crew but that’s job, not a crew lead.”

I nod. “IT, FBI and an Ops planner.”

“Jesus fuck.” Ben is gone.

I look at Alder sitting alone on that side of the table. “A break from freaky will be good.”

He nods. “He fix.”

Justice laughs then he’s gone. I shake my head. “Who are you bringing up?”

“All new and seven older to help. Tyson, Cage come.”

I nod. “I’m bringing four older, a few that are back from other Clubs, the Sweden and Finland Brothers, Garren and Michael.”

“They help to Alpha-Bits. Michael better, more relax.”

“He is. I’ve noticed he’s helping keep Garren straight. He’s not as flighty.”

His head turns. “Flighty, erratic, impulsive?” He keeps going when I nod. “No, he more...stable. Even temper?”

Cort sits with us. I throw him chin and answer Alder. “Yeah, even tempered as in personality trait, not temper.”

“I understand. Pres Cort, I have three Team to us Colorado. House only, no travel.”

Cort nods. “Web has three Teams too. Falcon set up a Security schedule for the time there. Let me know before you leave tomorrow night if I need to add to it.”

I nod. “Garren’s teams are showing too. I think we’re set. Ryder had two for him. I have three Prospects for food or anything we need to run for.”

“Good. I don’t want anyone leaving but Prospects. Kids and files missing points a big target on us. Brantley and Jason are here until you get back.”

That’s a relief. “I felt relieved when you said it. I’m glad they’re here.”

His sharp eyes show. “Raid will be at his new house. I wasn’t sure, but with you relieved, I think he needs to be there.”

I nod. “I feel it. Good VP Raid close,” Alder says what I feel.

Cort is unsettled. “We’ll have eight teams with us plus Cage and three Prospects. Any more and we need another house.” I try to calm him.

“Yeah. I’m finding my boy.”

I smile and throw him chin.

“You, Boss Alexia, keep readied.”

I nod at the smart Little Pres. “We will. I’m stealing my girl back from Anton.”

He laughs and walks with me. “Web!”

I turn and smile. Ramell has a dog running with him. Bending I pet his dog. “I didn’t see Knight here.”

He turns and points toward the open area in front of Mayberry. Knight is watching someone with a smile. “Garren, Michael new dogs?” Alder asks.

Shit. “I guess. Garren left his in Providence. I asked Knight for one for them.”

He shakes his head. “He bring ten you ask one.”

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