Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,7

missed half the fucking meeting. Make her yours and you won’t be dreaming about it.”

Oh, that’s all, just make her mine. How the fuck do I do that? I nod with my head spinning again, this time it isn’t because Alexia is close.

Justice laughs again. “I’ll send you a list, Brother. It will help. Talk to her and be honest about how you feel so she isn’t blindsided. Alexia is cool if you don’t surprise her.” He types on his phone then looks up. I have no idea what to say. “Sent, Web. Aquyá is giving Teller shit. I need to go. Later.” He’s gone.

My brain feels rattled so I shake my head trying to clear it. Alder starts walking, Cort sits in his chair, I guess we’re done. Walking to the chopper is good for clearing my head. No it’s not. I’m still stuck on she’s mine. I help Alder up. “You’re IT building too?”

He nods. “Yeah, then to Bravo.”

Sitting, I think about Alexia and how to talk to her about how I feel. How do I feel? I really like her. I’d be lying if I said I’m not interested. She’s so fucking smart and loves work, the Alpha-Bits and helping anyone who needs it.

“List. Read, talk and know. Guess is no good. Do is good. Read, then talk Boss Alexia.”

I nod taking his tablet. “Thanks, Brother. I don’t know how to do this. Are you sure she’s mine?”

He gives me a look. “Yeah, Web. Hugs, hold hand, spend time to you, Alpha-Bits. She yours. Don’t take forever. Read, talk, know. She need to know. Give information. She need you to show her. Show her.”

I nod. I need to talk to her. Okay. Reading the list, I nod again. “This is all reasonable and we’ve done a bunch of it. Not the kissing thing. I want to get to there. Fuck, I need to talk to her.” I hand him back the tablet.

He rolls his eyes at me. “Yeah.”

Pulling my phone, I get the list up but I’m thinking, not reading it. Women at the Club are just there. It’s not like I’ve ever had to do this. College and building a company was the same. One woman latched on to me but was gone within months when she realized I wasn’t marrying her. I was twenty, not up for a wife and busy building a company. I had no time for wife and vacation shit. All she wanted was to see shit I wasn’t interested in. I had meetings every fucking where and went to places I wanted to see. She wanted to see shows and shop. Not my idea of fun. She hated museums and the tours I loved taking in the cities I had only read about. If she was around, she’d go with me. I learned not to tell her my plans and she left. It was a relief to me. I smile thinking of the tours I took. Boston, Philadelphia, Mackinac Island, even Ottawa had a tour. It was fucking cold. I missed the tours more than the company I built. I thought I’d be able to take the As on tours like that. Instead, I made them virtual tours so they could see and feel like I did. There is so much more than malls and restaurants everywhere. The stories of places can’t be found at the mall. It dawns on me Alder finally went out of the yards and got to see new places.

“Did you like Mass and Providence?”

He nods. “Tiny take me to historic museum. Prez Little Ben have Brothers show mansions. I see two. Old buildings different to here. I no go to Boston. I see virtual.” He shrugs. “I like different to them. They like different to here. People same to here, different place same people. No TV people.”

I nod. “It’s good to see new and different. It gives us an understanding of how and why people do what they do. Their history, experience and way of life is different. Ben always thinks before he talks and seems quiet. He reads so he can get information without asking but some of that is learned. New England is known for being standoffish. They don’t pretend to like people they don’t know, which is at odds to the south. To me, New Englanders speak when spoken to and are just as nice as anyone else, if you’re not trying to impress them. Same as here. I bet people in the Copyright 2016 - 2024