Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,54

back on.”

I do and watch Alder checking him out. “No air short time. He is good, Prez Little Ben. Bruise back, chest. Sore no breaks.” He moves to the boy Mase is holding. Justice has his hand on the boy’s leg. He’s healing him.

Mase opens his eyes. “Just bruises Justice said.”

Alder nods. “I examine on plane.” He touches Justice. “Plane, Boss Justice.”

Justice nods and moves to Mucimi. He kisses his head like I kiss the Alpha-Bits. “Aiyana and my dad said you would be fine. I’m so fuckin’ proud of you, Brother. Don’t scare me like that again.”

Mucimi smiles making me smile. “I will but not on purpose. Phoenix doesn’t shield like you. I threw the shield when I fell. You didn’t need us both down.”

I shake my head. He’s such a good Brother. “Christian can teach him.” Justice is still pissed.

Mucimi watches him and winces when Justice pulls him up. “He will, Justice.”

I laugh watching the kids. Mase is gone with the hurt boy. The Lead takes one and Justice takes Alder and Mucimi’s arm. They’re gone. Phoenix bends to the last two. I see tears in his eyes but watch him lift them up gently. “Let’s get you safe, Brothers.”

Cort smiles. “He’ll get it. They’re so young.”

They really are young. I agree with him. “Phoenix just turned twenty.”

Raid shakes his head. “Justice is twenty-two. I don’t think I’m as old as he is yet.”

We all laugh then watch the Brothers on the plane.



I shut the feed down and breathe deep. Mucimi is okay and Alder made it out looking fine. Akai is relieved. I feel that too. I think I love all the Alpha-Bits and even some of the Brothers. I smile and look for Web. He’s in Ops at Phoenix. I text him.

Four more!

He sends a smiling and saluting emoticon with Cs under it. I love him too. More Cs. He said Bs, Ds and Gs were missing too. I hope we find them all. That gets me back to my work. We need to find them. Brantley got this one done. He’s so good. I make sure to send him and Billy a chat that I added to the boards. He’s busy now so he’ll look when he gets time.

My phone scares me. No one calls me here, we all text and chat, it hasn’t rung since I lived in Providence.

I don’t know the number. Pushing the talk button, I put the number into the Security program to trace it. “Hello?”

It’s a burner phone. That’s never a good sign. I send it to Akai with a message that it’s someone calling me.

“Alexia, I have your friend here, she’s scared and needs you.”

“Who is this?”

“I’m helping your friend. She needs you right now. Meet us at the I 25 ramp. There’s a Walmart here. We’ll be at the parking lot. Keep your phone on you so I can contact you. Your friend is scared. She’s like you and can’t talk right now.”

“Télia? You have Télia?” My fingers find her on tracking. Akai runs in. I type out what the man says. Télia is at her studio in Phoenix, it’s on the compound. I text Web. Akai nods and pulls Phoenix Ops up on my board. Web says something and Cort is behind him. Akai has my office on their board.

“She’s scared and crying, hurry, Alexia.” He hangs up. My phone just shut off. He hung up.


Akai shakes his head no. “Studio. Garren, Michael, Gregor, Jacques.” He points at the hologram picture. It’s a feed from her studio.

“Alexia, Télia and Garren’s Security just checked in, she’s here at the studio. Télia is fine. Alejandro is at the school in the safe zone. The phone is a burner. He’s trying to get you off the compound. Do not leave the compound.” Cort sounds like I was making plans to leave.

“I won’t, Sir. I knew it was a burner and sent it to Akai. I have Télia’s tracking here and show her up there.”

He looks relieved. When he smiles I do. He’s not so scary. “Good job, Alexia. I’m glad you thought before you jumped. Akai, do you have the location?”

“Outside Bravo, Cort,” Web says while typing on his hologram keyboard. Akai nods for Cort.

“Send it to Falcon to pick him up. Alexia, I’m getting a new phone to you. You’re too smart to fall for that shit, they’ll try another way. Don’t leave without Security and us knowing.”

This time I smile at him. “Yes, Sir.”

He shakes his head smiling. Copyright 2016 - 2024